The Email Taiwan Sent to the WHO When They Warned About the China Coronavirus – IOTW Report

The Email Taiwan Sent to the WHO When They Warned About the China Coronavirus

Townhall: The World Health Organization (WHO) has come under fire for parroting the Chinese Communist Party’s talking points about the Wuhan coronavirus. Back in January, the WHO shared a tweet saying the virus was not transmitted from human-to-human. That information, we know, is false and the virus is extremely contagious.

What’s even worse though, is Taiwan tried blowing the whistle on the Wuhan coronavirus in December when they alerted the WHO. On Monday, Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare released the email showing the country made an effort to prevent the virus from spreading around the world.

“News resources today indicate that at least seven atypical pneumonia cases were reported in Wuhan, CHINA. Their health authorities replied to the media that the cases were believed not SARS; however the samples are still under examination, and cases have been isolated for treatment,” the email read. “I would greatly appreciate it if you have relevant information to share with us.”

“Thank you very much in advance for your attention to this matter,” the email concluded. read more

15 Comments on The Email Taiwan Sent to the WHO When They Warned About the China Coronavirus

  1. As more of this kind of information comes out it becomes apparent that this was a calculated, coordinated attack on the part of the Chicoms along with their bought & paid for cohorts in WHO

  2. TRF, you’re absolutely correct. Unfortunately the majority of the sheeple don’t get their news from sources that will report this so they never know.

  3. We know for a fact from the death statistics that lockdowns did not do a damn thing. Every news article says it worked, but it did not do a damn thing. Sweden had NO lockdown and their death stats were the same as the UK, a supposedly fairly hard hit country.

    And since these death stats from Sweden show convincingly that all the other cuntry’s pols are little Hitlers, other countries are desperate to get Sweden to lockdown, so the difference will not be highlighted for all to see.

    Well guess what, Sweden caved. They are now taking greater measures even though their death rates were no worse than the UK. International pressure of the politician and msm to be sure. Massive pressure.
    But i wouldn’t be surprised if monetary pressure was also placed on Sweden. There is a massive shortage of dollars to make loan payments in Sweden, just as there is all over the world, because the dollar is the world’s currency and trillions of dollars of loans are made in our currency. It is the reason that “swap lines” are being opened by the federal reserve with countries all over the world.

    I would be dollars to donuts that the federal reserve told Sweden that in order to exercise swap lines, they need to enact further lockdown measures on their citizens. All to hide the FACT that lockdowns have not done a damn thing that all the little Hitlers of the world are using.

  4. There is no “Taiwan”. To tell such slanderous lies. To the United Nations. There is only “Chinese Taipei”. Which is infested with imperialist dogs. Like Hong Kong.

  5. “Flu season in the US, which runs from October through May, claims tens of thousands of lives every year. This season CDC estimates that, as of mid-March, between 29,000 and 59,000 have died due to influenza illnesses.
    This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year …

    That’s 44,000 AVERAGE. And the spread (30,000 deaths) implies that the CDC doesn’t have a clue as to what actually killed these people. The spread is greater than the minimum! The TOTAL attributed to Wuhan Flu is now at ~20,000 and we have little idea how many of that total are only incidentally connected to the Wuhan Flu – as opposed to other medical difficulties.
    SCAM – HOAX – whatever you want to call it – the media with the connivance of the Demonrat Party and outliers of the medical community have perpetrated an hysteria – which has stifled the Schumer censure, the Russia-hoax “investigations,” the prosecution of the traitors in the NSA and FBI, the FISA abuses and the complicities of those courts and judges, HRC’s depositions in the “investigation” of her various treasons selling “top secret” and classified materials through her “shit-house” server scam, the plunder of the Treasury for upwards of $2.2 Trillions, and the destruction of President Trump’s resumption of our economy after 8 years of Obola’s depredations.

    How convenient? Funny how fate works, ain’t it?
    Hmmmm …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. China has at least two major motives for creating chaos:
    1) For years they have been trying to topple the Dollar as the international monetary standard.
    2) They want to kick President Trump in the teeth and prevent him from another term in retaliation for upsetting their sweet trade imbalance apple cart.

    Now that they know how to bring the United States to its knees utilizing the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media, power-hungry, unscrupulous democRATs and a catalyst (in this case a virus), I fully expect expect round 2 to happen this summer.

  7. @TRF April 14, 2020 at 11:03 am

    > Bought & Paid For

    You write “Bought & Paid For” like an accusation. “[T]he Dollar as the international monetary standard” (well, any imaginary money, as the only standard) is the no hands wet dream of capitalism. And, stroking the chubby dream of capitalists, The Peoples Republic of China bought, paid actual fake money for, what the capitalists offered for sale. They, actually, fair and square (according to capitalists), bought and paid for it. Almost all of it.

    What’s wrong with only paying employees to do what you hire them to do?

  8. Coronavirus has mutated into the CoronaAllergy. It is caught by breathing while walking the halls of the Governors Mansion the the offices of the State Health Dept.
    Symptoms include an uncontrollable desire to rule every aspect of everyone’s life.
    Sorta like Communism…

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