Democrats more likely than Republicans to favor mandatory coronavirus tests, ankle bracelets – IOTW Report

Democrats more likely than Republicans to favor mandatory coronavirus tests, ankle bracelets

Just The News: To speed an end to the coronavirus national lockdown, Democrats are more likely than Republicans to support a mandatory, nationwide blood test and requiring some people to wear an electronic ankle bracelet, according to the Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

As the Trump administration works with governors for a plan to reopen the country, the Just the News poll of registered voters found 55% of Independents, 54% of Republicans and 38% of Democrats oppose these surveillance measures. Among the sample, 49% of Democrats, 38% of Republicans and just 33% of Independents support them.

“It’s important to note that there are divisions within all parties,” Rasmussen said. “This question, though, suggests some things are too extreme for consideration even in the midst of the pandemic. Read more

Among registered voters overall, by a 47% to 40% margin, voters oppose requiring everyone to take a coronavirus blood test and some people to wear an electronic ankle bracelet. Only 16% Strongly Favor it while 28% are Strongly Opposed.

“In Federalist 8, Alexander Hamilton wrote that ‘Safety from external danger is the most powerful director of national conduct. Even the ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give way to its dictates… To be more safe, they at length become willing to run the risk of being less free,'” Rasmussen continued. “We have certainly seen this reality play out in response to the coronavirus. The nation–having been alerted to the danger–has supported unprecedented lockdowns that significantly  infringe upon their freedom. Most, naturally, assume that such restrictions are allowed only in a health emergency and that freedom will be restored when the pandemic is defeated.” read more

25 Comments on Democrats more likely than Republicans to favor mandatory coronavirus tests, ankle bracelets

  1. I am reminded of Mulder’s poster, “I want to Believe.” I want to believe that this event will run it’s course and the restrictions will be lifted; but like nein 3lleven before it…I strongly doubt that will be the case.

  2. No shit Sherlock. The democraps will go to any length to deny the American people any kind of freedom economic or other wise. They are the party of the smug elistist assholes who because they come from so called better backgrounds than us plebes know what’s better for us. KISS MY ASS! I will not obey any unGodly or unconstitutional order that they may try to enforce by a tyrannical Govt. takeover of this nation.

  3. “The nation–having been alerted to the danger–has supported unprecedented lockdowns that significantly infringe upon their freedom.”

    Who, exactly, is ‘the nation’?? Most would take precautions like they would any other flu season. ‘The nation’ presumes all are on board. This is hardly the case.

    If you define the nation as ‘the d’s, tyrants, one-worlders, and all who wish to control us’, then he would be correct. THEY are unified.

    Those of us who cherish our ability to make our own choices and move about our great country without restriction have ZERO support for these ‘unprecedented lockdowns’.

    Speak for yourself, jerkweed!!!

  4. Anybody else sick of all the China virus advertising on TV by the industries which weren’t shut down? All the treacle about how they’re going to help us cope with the New & Difficult Reality Which BTW Is Permanent?

    Here’s the results of a small marketing survey: We are not scared of this weak-ass virus. We are pissed off at our craven, bungling government bureaucracies, and we do not appreciate corporate entities rolling over and shilling for the Sudden Tyranny.

  5. Not surprising since Demonrats support Extermination Camps (like Treblinka), Slave Labor Camps (like Buchenwald), Collectivized Farming, Mandatory Youth Groups (like Hitlerjugend and Young Pioneers), and the Gulag more than do Republicans.

    “Mandatory” anything is anathematic to any Free People.

    The Demonrats (nihilistic totalitarians) show their true face.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @geoff the aardvark April 16, 2020 at 12:00 pm

    > I will not obey any unGodly or unconstitutional order that they may try to enforce

    If you will only re-act. When they — finally — come for you. You have already obeyed.

    (And “lost”. But, as you choose to obey… G-d speed, good patriot. G-d speed.)

  7. Resistance is futile.

    Especially when it is being done on a keyboard while using a fake name and are obediently at home and out of work because you were ordered to stay there until given permission to leave.

  8. As a Christian, my first obedience is to God and never to an unGodly state. Then to my family and friends and then to America as it was founded. I may have to forfeit my life to fight for what I believe is right and i am willing to do so if it comes to that. We may all have to become like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Alexander Solzhenitsyn and live heroic lives believing that God is our salvation and not man whose totalitarian schemes always lead to death and destruction. I can do it, mostly for the sake of my children and especially my 4 little granddaughters who may never experience the freedoms that I had growing up in a better America back in the 50’s and 60’s. God help us because the deep staters and those who hate God and President Trump and the deplorables sure as hell won’t.

  9. @geoff the aardvark April 16, 2020 at 3:23 pm

    You… seem… to be pretending… to not understand the difference between the “who” and the “when”. When they call you “enemy” (actually, that is enough), and cross the border (do you need to be reminded?), you do not claim moral superiority, by waiting for them to smash down your door. Nor waiting for them to kill your family. Nor friends. Nor allies.

    When they declare their war, against you… and yours… you destroy them. Retreat back across “their” border is no longer sufficient. Waiting for them to cross “your” border is stupid. Once they have declared their unwillingness to allow you to live, while they do.

    “Who” is a question you may answer. For yourself. For your children. For your God.

    “When” is not yours to decide. Unless… For yourself. For your children. For your God. The “when” is never.

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