Kentucky GOP overrides governor’s veto of voter ID law – IOTW Report

Kentucky GOP overrides governor’s veto of voter ID law

(TNS) Whenever you hear a Democrat claim they are ‘concerned’ about ‘election integrity’ and are ‘working to ensure’ that our ‘democracy is protected,’ dismiss that the same way you would if someone told you they had the inside line on a winning horse at the racetrack.

Because it’s patently false.

The party demonstrated that again in recent days when Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky vetoed a voter ID law for the usual talking points: Such laws are ‘racist,’ they ‘stifle voting,’ they ‘harm our democracy,’ and so forth. more

8 Comments on Kentucky GOP overrides governor’s veto of voter ID law

  1. …this is the same governor that made it illegal for me to drive across the Brent Spence to purchase food from a favorite restaurant in KY…this guy only won because the Republican guy wasn’t “likable”, and also he pissed off the teachers’ unuion…of course, the teacher’s union was mad because he couldn’t pay their untenable pensions, and the Democrat can’t either, but it’s OK with the Democrat because he’ll be mean to the people who won’t pay for their untenable pensions, and that’s ultimately what lefties WANT in their politicians…

  2. Their arguments only appeal to the dimmest of idiots and yet they are repeatedly successful in winning elections. This is a perfect example, show the public just one example of someone {other than illegals} who’ve been denied the vote.
    We are hopelessly awash in stupidity!

  3. The Veto is worthless. Only a matter of a few weeks before a Obama appointed Federal Judge rules it unconstitutional. We desperately need PDJT for 4 more years to neutralize these dictator wannabees called Obama appointed Federal Judges.

  4. @gin blossom April 16, 2020 at 10:56 am

    > We are hopelessly awash in stupidity!

    Gentlexen, we can rebuild it. We have the suffrage. We have the capability to follow the design. The United States will be that Constitution. Same as it was before. Samer, betterer, constitutionier.

  5. I suspect the Governor is now “done” as far as a meaningful term is concerned. Once a legislature uses an override on a Governor they’re far more likely to use it in the future. If the GOP reps in Kentucky are smart they can now play this guy like a fiddle while they wait for the next election and find a better candidate.


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