‘Above my pay grade’: New Jersey governor claims Bill of Rights did not factor into his coronavirus executive orders – IOTW Report

‘Above my pay grade’: New Jersey governor claims Bill of Rights did not factor into his coronavirus executive orders

Wa Ex:

Democratic New Jersey Gov. Phillip Murphy said the Bill of Rights was not on his mind when he issued his executive orders mandating his state’s response to the coronavirus.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson pressed Murphy on the constitutionality of his recent executive orders that deem liquor stores essential and business and churches nonessential, which Murphy said he did not consider.

“As I noted before, 15 congregants at a synagogue in New Jersey were arrested and charged for being in a synagogue together. Now, the Bill of Rights, as you well know, protects Americans’ right, enshrines their right, to practice their religion as they see fit and to congregate together, to assemble peacefully. By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order? How do you have the power to do that?” Carlson asked.

“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” Murphy responded, saying he “wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.”

“Well, I can tell,” Tucker interjected.

25 Comments on ‘Above my pay grade’: New Jersey governor claims Bill of Rights did not factor into his coronavirus executive orders

  1. I would submit that any elected official that violates his/her oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution should be automatically disqualified from office on violation of that oath!

  2. Constitution has been above UNIPARTY pay grade for decades. The Brits would try over and over folk they disliked; until the subjects ran out of money and no longer could defend themselves. 5th Ammendment was well written. In ’91 we had a UNIPARTY president that had several “not guilty” LAPD men retried to show how “open minded” he was. “constitution be damned!”. And the LAPD men could no longe afford lawyers and on retrials were convicted. The UNIPARTY liberal was the same leftist that put the :”Wise Latina” on the Federal Bench. His immoral son turned out to be even more liberal/progressive than he!
    Constitution was clearly “above the pay grade” of GHWB! in 91

  3. @Internet Attorney April 16, 2020 at 3:46 pm

    > I would submit that any elected official that violates his/her oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution should be automatically disqualified from office on violation of that oath!

    Because taking up arms, inciting others to take up arms, against The Constitution, is a civil offense?

  4. Swearing-in of Governor Phil Murphy

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fniJWbjvxQA .

    Murphy, an Irish-American Catholic who grew up in the Boston area, was honored to place his hand on the same bible used by John F. Kennedy when the latter took the oath of office of president of the United States back in January 1960. In fact, this was the first time the Kennedy bible has ever left the Kennedy Presidential Library.

    Well, the evidence shows he did not mean anything he said while his hand was on the JFK bible. Or the loophole is he also only swore and affirmed his duty to support the Constitution to the best of his ability. And that ability is lacking. It’s above his pay grade.

  5. Today’s democrats have more in common with Lee Harvey Oswald than John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

    They are not only not in the same zip code as JFK, politically, but not even on the same planet.

    And yes I know. There weren’t zip codes during JFK.

  6. Alert: The Constitution is a written piece of paper, a set of ideas collected over time, debated and then codified. Even then the Constituion was written first and then certain delegates, I think P Henry or G Mason (maybe both said) ” uh uh, not good enough, where are the protections of the people?”

    Remember and NEVER forget…our rights are ‘granted’ by God, not by educated very well intentioned men, not by a king, not by any ‘dictator’, and the great men that wrote that Bill of Rights (and other important documents) all knew that.

    Not the many scumbags we have now.

    “These are the times that try men’s souls.”
    ―Tom Paine, The American Crisis

    BTW, he imbedded along with Gen. Washington on the way to Trenton, that was after having met GW at Fort Constitution (current day Fort Lee,NJ), where Washington had to evac to after loosing Fort Washington (northern tip of Manhattan Island) to the British:



    Guess who ferried those troops ( yep, including GW) back and forth during the engagement and evacuation? The 14th Mass Continentals aka The Marlbehead Mariners, the unknown heroes.

    Yet imagine having your boat at the time being taken by a soldier in a cause you may or may not want to be part of??

    Yes very difficult times indeed…

  7. Gov. Murphy, you’re the chief executive of a U.S. State. There is no one above your pay grade.

    Even so, adhering to the Bill of Rights may be above your pay grade, whatever you mean by that dishonestly self-deprecating clichéd expression.

    But it is not above your moral integrity grade.

  8. Yes. Very difficult times ahead.

    Reagan was close when he said, and I paraphrase. Freedom is not in the bloodstream and freedom is only one generation away from extinction.

    Try two months from extinction.

  9. Modern Democrat: “The Constitution is outdated. We can do whatever we want until a Federal court stops us.”

    Modern Republican: “We give lip service to the Constitution to keep our principled base voting for us – but we turn around and do whatever we want until a Federal court stops us.”

    A Governor swearing an oath to The Constitution Of The United States means very little these days, especially since most of the laws passed by Congress in the last 100+ years violate that very same Constitution.


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