Pennsylvania lawmakers pass bill to reopen businesses as Democrat governor signals forthcoming veto – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania lawmakers pass bill to reopen businesses as Democrat governor signals forthcoming veto

Washington Examiner:

The Pennsylvania legislatures sent a bill to Gov. Tom Wolf to lift restrictions on businesses amid the coronavirus pandemic, but he is expected to veto it.

Senate Bill 613 would require the governor to align lockdown measures with federal government guidelines on which businesses may reopen. The measure passed in the state Senate along party lines, 29-21, on Wednesday, after passing the Republican-led state House, 107-95, on Tuesday.

If the governor signs off, certain companies will be able to get employees back to work within the next three weeks.

ā€œI think the reality is, we need to do something to help our economy and get back to work,ā€ said Republican state Sen. Bob Mensch.

Stay-at-home orders and the shuttering of nonessential businesses across the country have put millions out of a job, with more than 21 million filing for unemployment, including 1.4 million Pennsylvanians.

Lawmakers argued that local officials should be able to determine how to get their economies open again. read more

10 Comments on Pennsylvania lawmakers pass bill to reopen businesses as Democrat governor signals forthcoming veto

  1. Tommy can’t run again so ā€¦ Goofusser Wolf (D)ickhead in charge and the Tyranny Nanny (Secretary of Health) have done as they wish and destroyed many small businesses in PA along the way and will continue to do so. The opaque waiver program to reopen business will be challenged. But with the currently closed courts … (Closed first prior to draconian mandates) Tyranny anyone? Only option left is have legislature override his emergency decree. And yet there are people everyday saying “we need to be safe and listen to Tommy & Tranny”. Giving up liberty for safety will get you neither.

  2. Wolf is a self righteous asshole. I know from personal experience.

    He also has a man in a dress for a health secretary. The dude can’t figure out if he’s a boy, I’m not sure how he is qualified to speak on more complicated biological matters.

  3. Handy’s handsome chocolate balloon knot, however is closed for incoming deliveries until further notice.
    The WuHuChicom Flu has not impacted outgoing deliveries, at this time.
    This may change in the future, due to decreased food availability.
    Have a nice day.


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