Maryland Police Order Residents To Wear Pants When They Check the Mail – IOTW Report

Maryland Police Order Residents To Wear Pants When They Check the Mail

DailyMailUK: A police department in Maryland gave a ‘final warning’ to residents about wearing pants while checking the mail during the coronavirus outbreak. 

The Taneytown Police Department shared the odd message in a Facebook post on Tuesdaym suggesting some of the town’s 7,000 residents may have gotten too comfortable while being ordered to stay at home.

‘Please remember to put pants on before leaving the house to check your mailbox. You know who you are. This is your final warning,’ they wrote.  more

22 Comments on Maryland Police Order Residents To Wear Pants When They Check the Mail

  1. Last night i ordered some Chinese food and the delivery guy drove up and started yelling ‘isolate, isolate’.

    I told him he wasn’t that late, i only ordered 15 minutes ago.

  2. … not that these aren’t scary times, but I wouldn’t read too much into this. I’ve known a lot of LEOs over the years, and to me this just looks like a classic example of genuine cop humor.

    People of a certain mind tend t gravitate to law enforcement, and they get some really object lessons on the worst of human nature added to that, as well as developing a tribal mentality because they learn very quickly that even their own city will sell them out in a heartbeat. This makes most police humor into black humor, and it can be both rough and job-specific.

    And cops know this about themselves and know they can’t tell jokes to “the public” like they would to a brother officer, so on those rare occasions they MAKE a public joke, they aren’t good at it, and it comes out like this.


    …written language is also limited. The intent was probaly meant to be a light-hearted “you know who you are” with the sort of playful finger-wag you’d use when telling someone “I see what you did there”.

    Unfortunately in these times, if just comes off as another threat. They weren’t hired for their comedic timing.

    …so, to me anyway, I don’t think it’s meant to be serious, it’s just cops tired of everything being do HEAVY all the dang time.

    My take, then is, it’s a joke.
    Lighten up, Francis…

  3. I’ve been through Taneytown a few times. It’s a small, farm town being slowly gobbled up by suburbia. Let them have some fun before the inevitable happens – the libtards become dominant and vote-in people like Whitmer the nazi.

  4. …here’s another example of cop humor…

    One day, the Sergeant was dressing a young rookie down about his use of excessive force on a juvenile driver who was speeding in a school zone. He’d been riding along with the rook and had run the search on the young girl, and found that she had only just gotten her license. He relayed this information to the young offcer and told him to initiate the stop.

    The rookie immediately rammed her off the road.

    “Why didn’t you just pull her over!?!? Why did you put your lights on and immediately strike her vehicle?!?!?

    The rookie replied, “Because you TOLD me to!”

    THis was too much for the sergeant. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN, I TOLD YOU TO?!?!?”

    The rookie replied, “Yes, you gave me her info, then told me she was a brand-new driver and I should PIT her!”

    The sergeant turned brick-red at this, and exploded with, “I SAID YOU SHOULD PITY HER! PIT-EEE HER!”

    …see, that’s what I’m talking about.


    …there’s a REASON cops don’t moonlight as comedians…the jokes are like “Dad” jokes, if your dad had handcuffs and a Tazer…


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