Sweden and the Chinese coronavirus: a lesson in media spin – IOTW Report

Sweden and the Chinese coronavirus: a lesson in media spin

All the rage in the news of late is the “failure” of Sweden’s coronavirus policy. Sweden thus far has adopted a moderate, targeted approach. They prohibit visitations at nursing homes, gatherings of more than fifty people, they have closed high schools and colleges, and the government has recommended  that people voluntarily stay at home where possible. Restaurants, bars, parks, playgrounds, and elementary schools remain open.

As evidence of Sweden’s “failed” response, the media persistently harps on the number of deaths in Sweden. On the surface, it sounds valid… until you realize that the same stories deliberately cover up the most important statistic of all: the number of confirmed cases per capita. This is the vital statistic when comparing the spread of the virus in Sweden versus other nations. You rarely hear this statistic because it directly contradicts the establishment’s predetermined agenda (blast Sweden because they dare to not radically shut down their entire country). Instead, the stories on Sweden trumpet a completely irrelevant statistic when comparing the spread of the disease in Sweden versus other countries: the number of deaths per capita. Virtually every article posted about Sweden pushes this fallacy.

Let’s look at the statistic that matters most: confirmed cases per one million population. 

9 Comments on Sweden and the Chinese coronavirus: a lesson in media spin

  1. You can talk about media spin all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that the media is in firm control of America’s thinking and people, along with almost all of the rest of the world.

    Evidence of that is obvious in our daily lives now as we face restrictions on them from all sides and await the media’s permission to return to something closer to normal when it decides we should and says we can.

  2. Pretty much the entire western world his ground to a halt in response to the pandemic, but one country has not decided to follow their lead. Sweden never closed primary schools, restaurants and shops have stayed open, large gatherings have been halted and vulnerable have been encouraged to stay home. But Sweden has never locked down, it never embraced the Chinese model of unprecedented society-wide repression. In the last month I’ve heard more people attack Sweden maybe than ever before.

    “Lessons are pretty clear. Sweden has about the same deaths per million as the United States and yet they haven’t gone through anywhere close to the pain and suffering and lost careers, lost jobs, lost families that we’ve had to deal with. Their out enjoying life: their in parks, restaurants and theaters.”
    Forever the Left has kind of lauded Sweden as a model for the rest of the world. “The Swedish” model was always held up as the best way. Sweden is proving to the world that none of this is necessary, so why do we Americans have to do silly things like not go to beaches, not go to Parks, not go to restaurant (and not launch boats in the state of New York)?
    The Sweds have a few limitations and under the circumstances they are relatively sensible given the mass hysteria of everywhere else, but they don’t engage in those things and if you compare Sweden to Norway – which is a very similar country right next door – with a 1000 miles of open border – Norway slammed their economy into reverse and Sweden is doing much better.

    Sweden has a death rate that is the same as ours, but keep in mind we had to go through a lot of shut downs and we are about the same death rate as Swedens. Norway has a lower death rate but their total case rate is actually higher than Sweden’s. So they went through all these shut downs, all these restrictions, all these business closures and they still have more cases. No one on the side of “let’s do social distancing” can explain to me why is it that if you shut down the economy you get more cases and why is there a difference between deaths per case between two countries …. that doesn’t really make a lot of sense. If your going to engage in these social controls they could control deaths – isn’t that the whole point? We’re not trying to control cases we’re trying to control bad outcomes like death”.
    h/t to Joel Hay

  3. Prestidigitation, legerdemain, and distraction – the operational rules of the media.

    Never speak a fact outright and unambiguously.
    No enemies on the “left.”
    Confuse and dilute even the simplest event or item.

    Instead of declaring that “water is wet” – ruminate and cogitate on how “studies have found” that there may be indications or implications “that going forward” and “at the end of the day” the new “paradigm” will conclusively suggest that Di-Hydrogen Oxide may be construed, by some, depending on temperature and the present Party Talking-Point, to exhibit moisture.

    Ask yourself: “How many people, both nationally and world-wide, have died exclusively (no other physical weakness or illness) from the Wuhan Flu?”

    Until that number becomes available, it’s all bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Democrats and media (but I repeat myself) have, all along, vowed to do what it takes to destroy this president and his supporters.
    Even if it pushes our economy into the shitter.
    If they are successful, after it is all over, they will spin it to look like it was Trumps fault.
    We are in a fight for our lives, ladies and gentlemen.
    Remember who the tinpot dictators are and keep your powder dry.


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