Quebec: The Populists Next Door No One’s Talking About – IOTW Report

Quebec: The Populists Next Door No One’s Talking About

American Thinker: The new, trailblazing party governing the French-Canadian province of Quebec deserves more attention than they’ve received this side of the border.

Although being a quite young party as well as an openly nationalist one (a deep oddity for globalist Canada), the Coalition for Quebec’s Future — or ‘CAQ’ as it’s known by its French acronym — trounced the Justin Trudeau-affiliated Quebec Liberal Party in elections in late 2018 and currently commands a huge majority in that province’s parliament. Roughly one year on, the party’s showing conservative nationalists everywhere that if it can do it, you can to.

CAQ, which similar to Trump blends socially conservative policies with economically protectionist ones, has taken advantage of Quebec’s unique jurisdictional position in Canada like few parties before it — among other things, Quebec’s allowed to a large extent to shape its own immigration and multicultural policies.

In its first year as the province’s governing party, it’s unrepentantly asserted French-Canadian cultural hegemony in Quebec and has barreled over critics in the broader Anglo-Canadian media. This has made them wildly popular in la belle province and should make them a big source of inspiration for President Trump and his supporters this election year.

Millionaire entrepreneur and current Quebec premier Francois Legault created the CAQ party in 2011. Formally a cabinet minister with the pro-independence Parti Quebecois (PQ) party, Legault managed to peel away a wing of the party that wished to forgo outright separatism (which has been on the wane in Quebec since its heyday in the 1990s) and seek instead greater autonomy within Canada’s existing federalist structure. read more

11 Comments on Quebec: The Populists Next Door No One’s Talking About

  1. I know zip about how Canadian political power works.

    Do they stand a chance of acquiring positions of significant power?

    And if they do, do they stand a chance of being able to exercise it effectively?

  2. They are separatist pieces of shit that are helping to hold Western Canada hostage.

    Mistake #1
    Ultra right took votes from the conservative party in many ridings which gave at least 6 extra seats to Liberal scum.
    Maxime Bernier condemned Canada to a Turdeau second minority term.

    Mistake #2
    The CAQ, on the surface seem Ok. But they are content to take massive transfer payments from the County they want to separate from ( gets taken from Alberta & Sask)

    Mistake #3
    On the surface they are for stronger boarders & immigration. BUT, They are very anti English Canada.
    Quebec in general: English trades people are not allowed to work or do temporary work in Quebec on a regular basis (any basis in reality – RED TAPE) but Ontario Allows Quebecers to work “temporarily” on Ontario with F-all enforcement.
    We have a certain RED SEAL Standard within Canada that makes it legal to work 6 months out of your trade lic. home province.

    Quebec is THE province that condemns Canada to every liberal Government we have ever had!

    Unrelated fun fact:
    Before the Iron Curtain fell in the 80’s that is where most of Canada’s Chipped tooth Strippers came from.
    Nothing kills wood like a Quebec strippers accent.

  3. I don’t know of a single instance where “Muslim Immigration” has been a good thing. What is the point of inviting “America haters” into your neighborhood?

  4. Quebecers and Canucks seem to really hate each other. The fact that lefty loon globalist PM Trudeau is from Quebec makes this thing more interesting.

  5. I’ve always hoped for Quebec to secede.
    That would divide Atlantic Canada and the rest of the provinces.
    Atlantic Canada, then would realize that it would be in their best interest to join the USA.
    That would end the major problem industry here in Maine has of being at the end of the line.
    Also, all of the various subsidies that Canada bestows on their natural resources based industry would stop, thereby leveling the playing field for Maine.

  6. MJA –

    Alberta = Texas, Oil, cattle, wheat, food production, and hard working proud people.

    Saskatchewan = Montanna/ Wyoming but now with Oil, Nat Gas & very heavy on grains with potash being a fertilizer export.


    I am from Toronto, ENGLISH Canada’s most self absorbed & full of shit province. We think we are New York and London combined but with no balls or Class.

    Shitty Hockey team too!


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