Michigan Sheriffs Reject Governor’s Excessive Lockdown Order – IOTW Report

Michigan Sheriffs Reject Governor’s Excessive Lockdown Order

Dan Bongino: Earlier this week, we reported on Democrat Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer’s asinine lockdowns, which included prohibitions against buying anything she considers “non-essential,” banning motor-boating, entering any residence that one doesn’t own, driving to a second house one may own, or standing less than six feet apart against someone (which carries a $1,000 fine). We also reported that on Wednesday, hundreds of cars and trucks went to the state capitol in protest of the governor’s edicts.

Now, it looks like the protesters and anyone against Whitmer’s draconian measures have friends in law enforcement. more

18 Comments on Michigan Sheriffs Reject Governor’s Excessive Lockdown Order

  1. She has no common sense.
    Lazlo and his hairy sidekick Angus were wandering the trails near the estate when a park ranger told me to go home because walking in the woods is non essential travel. Angus chose this moment to attend to his business of the day.
    Lazlo bagged it as I am a good citizen.
    As this is Arizona where we have common sense, Mr. Ranger declared my travel essential and we both had a laugh and he waved and went on by.

  2. My county is not one of the listed counties (don’t remember where I found the list, sorry), but I’m sure they will not comply, either. They just aren’t saying so.

    Our stores have not roped off anything and we have been shopping for gardening products nearly every other day. Now, if it would just stop snowing, we could get out into the garden to start planting!

  3. Portland, Maine has just issued an order that closed businesses are not allowed to ship products.

    These leftists are really loving this little fist full of power and going at it with gusto.
    We will go at it with gusto too.

  4. The only penalty for their actions is that they may not get as much of their way as they want this time.

    They will see how far they can go for how long without meeting serious resistance and having to back off a little.

    But they will have established a new base line they can count on and push off from in their next move.

    It used to be two steps forward, one step back. Now its three steps forward, one step back.

    How many steps forward before taking one step back next time?

  5. Poor Lazlo April 17, 2020 at 1:11 pm
    As this is Arizona where we have common sense, Mr. Ranger declared my travel essential

    Mr. Lazo if you lived in a place with people of common sense you would not need the fucking Mr. Ranger to decide if your travel is essential.

    It’s all been a 1984 type social experiment. Wise up folks.

  6. I just figured out Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia’s mentality.

    He is an abortionist by chosen avocation, callously ending the life of the innocent during his professional career. He is cavalier to inflicting pain, suffering and death.

    As a professional torturer/executioner, what he’s doing to Virginia brings him immense pleasure.

    This is a very sick man.

  7. The business I’m working at is on the side of the street that divides the township from the city. If we were on the city side we would likely be shut down.

  8. I forgot to articulate in the above post that the Sheriff is the law enforcement in the township. We talked with them about our plan to stay open using proper safety protocols and they more or less with a wink and a nod said there shouldn’t be a problem. So far so good.


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