When you try to Cook for your Mom – IOTW Report

When you try to Cook for your Mom

Never forget: Mom always knows best.

Want to make what Kevin and Diana tried to make in the video?

Here’s the recipe!
Chicken-Broccoli Casserole:
Form base out of: 1 chicken, cooked (and shredded) 2 cans Cream of Chicken Soup
1 cup Mayo
Then top with: 2 pkg. chopped (steamed?) broccoli
1/2 pkg. herb dressing (breadcrumbs)…or panko?
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
3/4 tsp. curry powder
1 stick melted, salted butter
Bake at 350-degrees for 30 minutes…
…or just do what mom says.

10 Comments on When you try to Cook for your Mom

  1. My Petey B uses coconut oil to keep the meat from sticking to then buns when he’s cooking if you homo hater potaters know what I mean!

  2. Broccoli? Never. That vile cruciferous weed!
    I’ve done all the cooking since the first Mrs. Mxyzptlk (RIP) made something inedible called Tuna Foo Yung almost 50 years ago. And now I’m doing all the cooking for the second Mrs. Mxyzptlk.
    Broccoli will never cross the threshold of this house.

  3. Ha. I just did a cheap imitation of this a couple days ago.

    Bachelor version scrounging through the fridge:
    1 package of steam-able broccoli – you just toss it unopened, as-is, in the microwave.

    Take about a 1/4 of the $4.99 roasted chicken from Walmart and spread it on a plate with the broccoli.

    Place several pats of real butter on top of it.

    Sprinkle with Lawry’s and pepper. I have rotated through my seasonings on this.

    Put several slices of American cheese over the top.

    Microwave until cheese is melted.

    Serve with a dollop or two of mayo to add fat and get closer to “keto friendly”.

    I’m sure an experienced cook would have her/his touches to make it more awesome, but this works for me – a working bachelor.

    This meal does not mess with my diabetes 2. The main thing that matters to me.

  4. Mr. Mxyzptlk, what’s wrong with broccoli? Cauliflower or Brussel sprouts I can understand, I don’t like either especially cooked. And of course you know the old kids joke about broccoli, What’s the difference between broccoli and boogers? Kids will eat boogers. And you’re channeling your inner George HW Bush who hated broccoli as well. My mother in law made a tuna quiche only once which went over like a lead balloon and my mom would make creamed tuna on toast occasionally on Friday which I still hate to this day.

  5. This is BS first none of my grandmas would use panko and you can’t can’t get a grandma recipe as they didn’t measure, they would say use a pinch of this a handful of that or pour for a second etc.

    Grandma recipes were in their head and their daughters had to watch if they wanted to learn how to make it


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