Kellyanne Conway Burns Leftist Reporter Paul Reid – IOTW Report

Kellyanne Conway Burns Leftist Reporter Paul Reid

14 Comments on Kellyanne Conway Burns Leftist Reporter Paul Reid

  1. The leftist media have been squawking about the lack of diversity in Trump’s team for a couple of months now.

    Americans (and others) are dying, courtesy of Communist China, and the media (mouthpieces for Communists) dredges up these old tired stereotypes about white people from 50 years ago. The Surgeon General is a black man. Dr. Blix is a woman. What do they want, for cryin’ out loud?

    This is why cartoonist Thomas Nast drew the Democrat party symbol as a donkey: always kicking up a fuss. Now, more than ever, they kick up a fuss over absolutely nothing.


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