Brian Stelter: ‘I Crawled Into Bed And Cried…’ – IOTW Report

Brian Stelter: ‘I Crawled Into Bed And Cried…’

Conservative Treehouse: As a nation the Wuhan Virus has framed a re-evaluation of priority: faith, family, community and freedom.   Seeing totalitarian Blue state governors so easy dispatch liberty and individual rights reminds us to rekindle the flickering flame of freedom.

Modern journalists, no more essential to life than scripted narrative engineers dancing as puppets on strings in boxes, are inconsequential. The true American story is not built upon celebrity; but rather grit, callouses and dirty fingernails.  Farmers, truck drivers, stock clerks and supermarket cashiers are essential; …dancing puppets, not so much.

Facing this reality a generation of pathetically soft and feeble sorts; lemmings from the spine-harvesting indoctrination machines that turn bone into jelly-fish membrane; collapse as they recognize just how pathetic they are.  Inconsequential gnats carrying a life-skill as useful as sand in the Sahara. read more

h/t forcibly rearranged.

37 Comments on Brian Stelter: ‘I Crawled Into Bed And Cried…’

  1. I’m embarrassed to share a nation with the likes of Stelter. I can’t believe a country that can send men to the moon has produced such a sorry excuse for a human being.

  2. Proves the point I have stated many times. Demonrats are perpetual pathetic children whose emotions never advance past 5.

    I would almost feel bad for them but they revolt me so much I can’t. Maybe his daddy Satan can tuck him in his binky…

  3. h/t forcibly rearranged


    Maybe the lesson — there’s always a lesson — is that we shouldn’t have been listening to any of them the first time; we are the silly ones to be listening to them now. There was a time in living memory when Americans had lives away from those people. We were busy with our own lives. Today, as long as there is click value in a headline, we are distracted beyond our ability to literally keep our minds on our own business, whatever that might be. Even this article of writing we are told how unessential they are compared to Americans who have dirty fingernails, and yet here we are; thinking about, writing about, taking our time about them.

    1 Thessalonians 5:21-22:

    but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil.

    We’ve tested them and found them to be evil. They are not worthy of further consideration.

  4. When I worked for Mobil Oil, I had the privilege to train with some of those oilfield firefighters from Houston, namely Boots & Coots. I marveled at the competence and bravery of those guys. I believe they could do anything. They embody the can-do spirit of Texas. I felt the same way about the Strategic Air Command when I served with them. People like Brian Stelter make me want to puke.

  5. @hambone – Could not agree more there brother, when I think of my own USAF Viet Nam refueler pilot brother, WWII Coast Guard cutter father and WWI grandfather packer/infantryman at Moselle,France. Thanks for you service.

    He can stay in BED where the c-sser belongs. When his perimeter is completely over run and overtaken, that room might as well be a padded room at THAT point.

    OR do we do the guy a favor, put him in a straight jacket first and then sit him in the back of a medics jeep?? WITH a sock in his mouth of course…

  6. Awww, widdle Brian was reduced to tears. Well cry me a river of shame you pathetic excuse of a human being. No wait, liberals have no shame, shit. Just curl up in a fetal position in your safe space and wait til the dempanic is over – sometime in 2021 or 22. Nobody will miss you.


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