Canada: “Social distancing” police fined a man $1,200 for feeding homeless people – IOTW Report

Canada: “Social distancing” police fined a man $1,200 for feeding homeless people

Rebel News: In times of crisis, like the one we’re experiencing right now, we are at risk of losing our liberties. You may not expect this to happen in your country or province. You might even like your current political leadership. But once our liberties have been confiscated, we cannot take them back, at least without considerable effort.

Artur Pawlowski was feeding homeless people in downtown Calgary when over half a dozen police officers surrounded him and issued him a cool $1,200 fine. read more

5 Comments on Canada: “Social distancing” police fined a man $1,200 for feeding homeless people

  1. I think I found out why the enforcers were “acting strangely aggressively”. From the Wikipedia entry on Artur Pawlowski:

    … LGBTQ critic … street preacher in Calgary … He operates a Christian street outreach organization called Street Church … said to advocate anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, and anti-Islam positions.

    I wonder if the enforcers were wearing masks and gloves and were maintaining 6′ physical separation?

  2. …From the article…
    “…we are at risk of losing our liberties.”

    …uh, I think we passed “At Risk” a couple of weeks ago.

    Don’t believe me?

    Try visiting your mother in a nursing home.

    Try travelling to Rhode Island.

    Try opening your buisness that someone whimsically and not particuarly lawfully deemed “nonessential”.

    Try worshiping together in your church in Indiana, Kentucky, or New Jersey (Mosques are still OK).

    Try going out without a facemask in Marin County.

    Try getting a haircut, a massage, or listening to your local bar band.

    Try going to a movie, or hosting one in your backyard on a bedsheet for your family and friends.

    Try going to your neighbor’s house in Michican.

    Try protesting illegal, unconstitutional Government overreach in NC.

    Try voting in Ohio.

    Try having a pro-Trump politcal rally ANYWHERE.

    …and on, and on, and on…

    …the liberty train done left the station. The conductor was told to pull out by our Demipanicked neighbors.

    …what they don’t realize is that it makes space at the station for Government to load them in the boxcars just a litttle bit later…

  3. They should have helped Artur instead of fining him.

    The Mayor of Calgary & his minions have been after him for years.

    He was born in Toronto and like all good socialists, moved to Alberta, the same way socialists moved into Detroit to leech on successful people.

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