CDC Chief Says 20 US States May Be Able to Re-Open Within 14 Days – IOTW Report

CDC Chief Says 20 US States May Be Able to Re-Open Within 14 Days

Western Journal:

With the nation nearing a long-awaited peak in the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Robert Redfield said Wednesday that a number of the more mildly affected states may be in a good position to re-open come months’ end.

According to Reuters, Redfield told the hosts of ABC’s “Good Morning America” that major regional differences in coronavirus transmission have been recorded, leading him to believe federal officials could be working as early as May 1 to advise executive branch leadership in nearly 20 states on their efforts to relax economically taxing social distancing guidelines.

Which states will truly be prepared to take such steps by that soft deadline remain unknown. read more

16 Comments on CDC Chief Says 20 US States May Be Able to Re-Open Within 14 Days

  1. It looks more and more like this “lockdown” was merely a False Flag to destroy citizens’ individual Freedoms and Trump’s America in one fell swoop.

    America’s governors have tasted blood in the water; God help us now.

  2. Open or not, I am going back to work come Monday. I’m an ‘essential worker’ who always works from home but normally travels every day. Home office says stay home, but I’m hitting the bricks whether they say its OK or not.

  3. A final thought… if people don’t show symptoms, how do we know the Positive test results are accurate or even legit? Or is this angle designed to further scare everyone to stay locked down or six feet away from each other, suspecting everyone of being a “carrier”?

    We know frightened people are very easy to control.
    Everyone wearing a face mask is a jarring psy-ops.

  4. “Full of Shit Fauci”…
    His job now to preserving his power over the greatest number for the longest period,
    So he may require 37 negative testa before release,
    Personal doctor to none,
    Wants to be master of all,
    The uncontested, unelected, Master of America,
    I would hate to have either of these fools for a personal physician.

  5. “What we once had is gone, and it isn’t coming back.”

    Our Masters have discovered a 21st Century ‘Whip & Chains’.
    As POTUS described it, “The unseen enemy.”

  6. Here is what I think he really said:

    “I have been instructed to change my tune by A man with Orange Hair or I will be seeking medical attention to remove a size Twelve shoe from my ass.”

  7. It was a false flag. We have been played.
    P. Trump needs to get to the bottom of this. Someone sold him a fake bill of goods.
    I want to see the last two or three years of Birx and Fauci’s emails. Maybe longer.
    Connected to Gates and the Clinton’s both of them.
    Some thing does not smell right.
    And we have payed a very big price.
    Trump can not back out now because he trusted these people, but when it comes out that they mislead him,look out.

  8. Janet Mills doesn’t want us open. She keeps issuing executive orders. She doesn’t follow them of course.
    The liberals and their propaganda arm are fomenting fear and the uneducated masses are buying in.
    This is the left’s big push to defeat Teump. Mike Obama is getting her face in the media more every day. The Bushies are playing along.
    Thank God Pres. Trump is a street fighter.

  9. These so-called “tests” serve two nefarious purposes…
    they harvest citizens’ DNA and are designed to favor false positives.

    It’s no wonder ‘infected’ people show no symptoms; THEY AREN’T INFECTED! This is a criminal use of a real Covid virus, now a weaponized PSYOP.


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