Trump: What’s up, Doc? – IOTW Report

Trump: What’s up, Doc?

American Thinker:

By Clarice Feldman

A Facebook friend likened the President to Bugs Bunny, chomping on his carrot and making fun of his enemies. And this week it certainly seems that way as the page flips from “everybody’s–an-epidemiology expert” to “we are now all constitutional scholars.”

On April 14 Trump said he was the “absolute authority” on when to relax the shutdown and two days later, based on fact, he noted that the virus seemed to have peaked, circumstances were different in different places of the country, and it was up to the governors of each state to determine mitigation strategies appropriate for their states following some national guidelines. 

The new guidelines are aimed at easing restrictions in areas with low transmission of the coronavirus, while holding the line in harder-hit locations. They make clear that the return to normalcy will be a far longer process than Trump initially envisioned, with federal officials warning that some social distancing measures may need to remain in place through the end of the year to prevent a new outbreak. And they largely reinforce plans already in the works by governors, who have primary responsibility for public health in their states. 

“You’re going to call your own shots,” Trump told the governors Thursday afternoon in a conference call, according to an audio recording obtained by the Associated Press. “We’re going to be standing alongside of you.”

Places with declining infections and strong testing would begin a three-phase gradual reopening of businesses and schools.

I know it won’t surprise you to know that people like New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo who pegged the earlier statement as dictatorial now accuse Trump of passing the buck. Actually, it’s a bit late for civics lessons, but we still live in a federal republic, a form of government best suited to such a vast country with disparate needs and circumstances.  read more

h/t Forcibly Rearranged.

29 Comments on Trump: What’s up, Doc?

  1. If Trump says “This is how it will go.” The Govs cry “Dictator!, Tyrant!“
    If Trump says “You make the decisions. I’ll back you.” The Govs cry “Loser! Coward! Weak man!”

  2. Anonymous—“I don’t actually know anyone that has caught coronavirus, much less anyone that has died from it. Do you?”

    Oh, yes. I actually do.

    Caught it? three. Died from it? one.

    And your point is?

  3. “I don’t actually know anyone that has caught coronavirus, much less anyone that has died from it.

    Do you?”

    Nope. My nurse friends say their are no cases where they are. There is no emergency flooding of virus victims here.

    Given the joke attempts at avoiding cross-contamination – why aren’t store employees dropping at a regular rate? If you think everyone is being 100% at protection – you have no idea what you are doing or looking at.

    We’re living out an analogy of the invisible King’s clothes.

    Only this time, a virus can be released at will to “teach” people to stay in line. Any “second wave” is purposeful sabotage and a fresh attack.

    Yes, The virus is real. It’s an attack on America.

  4. So apt, all Loony tunes are based on the model of smart protagonist outwits dumb antagonist. Who does not picture the press as the Tasmanian Devil, all spinning in circles of pent up fury and overeacting to every perceived provocation from that wascally pwesident…

    Who does not see Pedo Joe as Foghorn Leghorn who pontificates on subjects he has no clue about. Preening like a Bantu rooster looking for a fight he could never win, uttering malarkey that sounds like wisdom only to young creatures who do not know better.

  5. Andrew Klavan pointed out that Trump set up the Democrats yet again with the he had all the power to decide when to reopen remark.
    Democratic Governors replied, NO WE DO!
    Trump replied, ok you’re right! Here are the GUIDELINES and we’ll help!
    Democratic Governors?
    Oh SNAP he called our bluff again!
    Trump is an EXPERT at playing the Democrats and MSM, manipulating them and making them OUT themselves!
    I LOVE President Trump!

  6. @Anon – I don’t know anyone who has had it, much less died from it either. My thought was that’s why “celebrities” have been claiming to have it to make it look bigger than it is. Because if they are all “quarantining” how did they get it? And “news” people don’t seem to be all that worried for their own personal safety when doing their “reporting.”

  7. I hear ya, bereaved. Tom Hanks, Idris Elba and Fredo Cuomo caught it…and then Mort Drucker dies from it. It’s tough to be surrounded by all of that sickness and death.

  8. The Governors are creating terrorists.

    Remember we listened for ten years to liberals claiming Bush was creating terrorists in the middle east.

    Well, if there is any violence in America over these shutdowns, the governors are CREATING it. And any faggots on the left that dont like that characterization can fuck off.

  9. I love the analogy of Bugs Bunny. I watched a rerun of “The Equalizer” movie and immediately thought of President Trump as the Equalizer.
    I think this would be a great campaign slogan to add to the many others.

  10. “And your point is?”

    That almost no one does, you seem to be a very, very unusual person. In my State only about 3-4 out of every 5000 people have been claimed to have caught it, and far less have died from it, mot people don’t actually know 5000 people.

    How did you know them? Specifically.

  11. bravo, Cisco Kid

    As to covid19 deaths, I know of 2 deaths, BUT
    the deceased were each ‘medical miracles’ for a decade, a myriad of ailments and daily prescription drugs. Did they really die of covid19?? uh, no.
    But you can’t trust ANYONE to be honest today. Science used to be primarily fact-based. Used to be.

    “Don’t believe anything you hear. And believe half of what you see.”

  12. Anonymous and Pounce de Leon–

    Family members, specifically. A couple of people on this site know that it is true, because they walked through it with me, privately. Two weeks of anguish.

    I chose not to use the name I regularly post with; whether that was the right decision is moot now.

  13. I know it’s pretty late in this thread to comment and be seen by anyone, but I must say something.

    I know how disgusted we all are with what the left has been doing with this virus and how they will use anything, hateful and evil as it is, to destroy President Trump and our country. We are frustrated with the reaction to it and our government response to fight what we think has been a hoax all along.

    But we must remember that there have been deaths, whether there have been underlying medical issues or not, that have caused families much grief. They have lost loved ones to this virus and I don’t think our anger at the evil forces in this world who are taking advantage of it should cause us to not feel sympathy with them.

    I know who “bereaved” is and the loss and sorrow is real. I know our regular readers are terrific people and would pour out sympathy on “bereaved” as I’ve seen us do many times. I wish this had been one of those times.

  14. Claudia

    Totally agree. As one of the readers here that started undergoing cancer treatment about the time this event kicked off, it felt pretty damn real and threatening to me. And I don’t care how bad of health you were in, if you would still be alive if not for the Corona Virus then that’s what killed you.
    My condolences bereaved.

  15. Bad_Brad, Jimmy, and ghost–

    Thank you, more than I can say. Claudia alerted me to your comments.

    It’s been a ghastly couple of weeks, but you’ve made THIS pain a little less. The loss of a dear family member, and the quarantine-based inability to be with his family at this time, has been a burden that dear people like Claudia have helped me to bear.

    Not sure why I didn’t use my current screen name at first. It hardly matters now…

    Ann Nonymous Prime, aka “bereaved”

  16. @Bereaved – thank you for your frankness. It is very humbling to hear that. I know of two people personally that contracted the Whuflu, a personal friend, that works for the NYC Dept of Health and a co-worker at the office that I work at. Both have recuperated.

    I was VERY sick for weeks in January myself, GLAD to be better, still.

    Be well and tend well your fallen loved one, they still need YOU getting across the other side.

    Be strong Ann Nonymous Prime, you and your family, your ship, is being very challenged right now in a STORM.

    Your ship, hopefully will pass to more clear waters.



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