The European Union is Dead but Does Not Yet Know It – IOTW Report

The European Union is Dead but Does Not Yet Know It


The new coronavirus appears to be tearing apart the fragile framework of the European Union.

“Europe” said the former Commission chief and a EU godfather, Jacques Delors, “is in “mortal danger“.

If citizens feel themselves abandoned at the heart of the pandemic, said Former French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, the EU could “collapse“.

The EU objective was evidently supposed to be an “ever closer union“. But now, if the EU does not show solidarity and strength at a time of global crisis, what is the EU’s purpose? Its ideological supporters have a mantra: each new problem must be solved by more Europe. “Europe is our future, we have no other”, Germany’s former Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher once said.

Although these are important and dramatic statements, each time it is as if something even more important and dramatic needs to happen to shake people awake, as if the European Union is never actually seen as dying.

Sadly, these high-flown phrases seem to shrivel into empty slogans. more

12 Comments on The European Union is Dead but Does Not Yet Know It

  1. I thought it was doomed from the beginning. Is everybody just agreeing to allow Germany and some other euro weenie bureaucrats drag you along in exchange for no tangible protections?

    Apparently so until a real problem emerges. Then the cracks in the loveless marriage really show.

    I look forward to buying things on Ebay based on a more favorable exchange rate. 🙂

  2. The Union was some weird socialist/nihilist scam to enrich some at the expense of others and not, really, a Federal Union, or even a Confederation, at all.

    I guess it’s based on some arcane Parliamentary system that’s designed to be inscrutable. Millions of people paying taxes to be abused and invaded by foreigners doesn’t seem like a good business plan to me, but it’s worked on the Euro-Weenies for decades.

    If it dies it won’t be long lamented – except by the Euro-Trash Maggots who made Millions off of it. The carcass will be picked clean.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Thirdtwin April 21, 2020 at 8:37 am

    > F—king Globalists may have to start from scratch like the rest of us.

    If cosmopolitans are, ever, brought to the economic hiring (muscle) level as “the rest of us”, there won’t be a critical mass of cosmopolitans left. To “start from scratch”.

    (Oh. And they, already, know that. “Die! Rebel scum!”)

  4. The Chink in the armor was Portugal, Italy, Greece, & Spain.
    (aptly known as the P.I.G.S)

    England was the Knight Going Into Battle with only His Dick in His Hand.

    Poland, God Bless them sincerely, remembers that everyone abandoned them after WW2 and has been ignoring France, Germany and Austria for quite some time now!


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