D for Disgusting: MI Governor Whitmer(D) Sends Letter To Front Line Healthcare Workers Accusing Them Of Racism – IOTW Report

D for Disgusting: MI Governor Whitmer(D) Sends Letter To Front Line Healthcare Workers Accusing Them Of Racism

100%Fed Up:

To add insult to injury, Governor Whitmer sent a stunning letter to all health care workers written by her Human Services Chief Medical Executive Dr. Joneigh Khaldunis, immediately following her press conference. The letter accused all Michigan health care workers, who are literally putting their lives on the line every day during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic of being racists—even if they don’t know they are. In her letter, Dr. Khaldunis offered suggestions about how racist health care providers can address their “implicit biases.”

Entire article here

28 Comments on D for Disgusting: MI Governor Whitmer(D) Sends Letter To Front Line Healthcare Workers Accusing Them Of Racism

  1. That’s nothing. NIH’s primary vaccine developer (a black woman, Kizzmekia Corbett) has tweeted her disdain for whites and their racist ways esp as far as this crisis is concerned. Will she be fired? You’d sooner see Biden speak in a coherent manner

  2. This has to be her crowning achievement in her bid to be Biden’s VP pick.

    God in Heaven, will you please send Gabriel down to scare her speechless. All he has to do is tell her to stop being a fool. Maybe a little lightning for effect. Thank you.

  3. …yeah, not surprised. My agency was once accusued of letting a Black church burn down because of racism, to the great surprise of our Black members that were on the scene at the time, and even though it did NOT burn down, but was stopped QUICKLY. A half-heard communication and an AME pastor with a BIG chip on his shoulder was all it took.

    …and that’s WITHOUT a Trump hating radical feminist liberal TRYING to sow discord…

    …just remember, all Democrats are described thus;

    “16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”
    Proverbs 6:16-19


    …it’s what they DO…

  4. Great Move!

    Am I a sexist if I call her an “Angry Vagina”?

    Then again, even the great Justine Turdeau did not realize that his black face was part of the “years of structural racism and insensitivity, and thus shared his bad behavior with me and every other white Canadian who did absolutely nothing.

  5. Who in this great state actually believes that they care more about jet skiing than saving the lives of the elderly or the vulnerable?”

    Well I always give the elderly the right of way when I’m out jet-skiing…
    This is the thinnest justification for tyranny ever! Sounds like clap-trap straight out of the Communist play book!! Whutta divisive, over-bearing, out-of-control Bitch!!

  6. She is one of the commiefem racists who have been trying
    as hard as possible to turn America into one of those “Third World shitholes” that they so love and admire.

  7. I remember Hillary saying she was going to lecture white people about their iMpLiCiT BiAs when she was elected. Looks like Hillary Jr. is taking that shit baton and running with it. This is great news. Look at all of the new Deplorables she’s minting.

  8. Just imagine though, if Biden picks her as his running-mate, then the dem’s manage to commit enough voter fraud to win the election, this…this…thing becomes president and what she’s doing to Michigan becomes what she does to all of us.

  9. Front line health care workers don’t have time for this shit
    They care about Winning
    Winning against any trauma or disease or condition that has the temerity to come under their watchful gaze and commit the effrontery to attack one of their patients.
    They care about that, and nothing else.
    Anything else is chaff

  10. She’s an angry bitch.
    A bitch is a female dog.
    Mad is another word for angry.
    Thus, she’s a mad dog.
    Mad dogs need to be put down.

    The logic is irrefutable.

    (not a suggestion, simply an example of sequential logic – induction … or deduction … or whatever …)

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Yes, (D) is for Disgusting – as well as: dishonest, dalliance, dastardly, dazed, debacle, debased, debauchery, decadent, defective, defensive, deficient, defect, deflect, deflower, deformed, defraud, degenerate, degrade, deign, delete, deleterious, derelict, delinquent, demagogue, demean, demented, demerit, demolish, demonic, demoralize, denounce, depend, deplete, deplorable, depraved, depressing, deprive, derail, deride, derogatory, descent, desecrate, desert, desensitize, desperate, despicable, deteriorate, detest, detract, devalue, devastate, deviate, devoid, devour, diabolic, diatribe, dictate, diddle, digress, dilatory, dim, diminish, dimwitted, dire, dirty, disappointment, disapproval, disarray, disaster, disbar, disbelieve, disclaim, disclose, discombobulate, discomfort, discompose, disconnect, disconsolate, discord, discourage, discourteous, discrepancy, discreditable, disease, dysfunctional, dildo, disgraceful, disgruntled, disguise, dishonest, disillusion, disingenuous, disloyal, dismal, dismay, disorderly, disorganized, dispare, dispute, disquiet, disrepair, disrespect, disrepute, disrobe, disrupt, dissatisfactory, disseminate, dissent, disservice, dissident, distain, distasteful, distort, disturbed, disunite, dither, ditzy, divisive, dodge, doleful, DNA donator, dookie, double-dealing, double-crossing, double-faced, double talking, douche, downcast, downfall, downgrade, downhill, dredge, dregs, dribble, drooler, dumb, dumb-ass, duplicity, dickhead and of course democRAT, but now I’m getting redundant.

  12. Racists!“?

    So. She’s leashed the Republicans. And the Conservatives. And the Christians.

    Now? How’s she gonna’ leash The Coalition of Broken Toys?
    Hmm? What? Oh… she’s got vagina.

    Well… ladies and wymyn… meet your new Democratic Presidential candidate, for 2020! (Time for your nap, Joe.)

  13. People in a hierarchy tend to rise to their “level of incompetence”: Once employees have reached their level of incompetence, they always lack insight into their situation.
    – An observation made by Laurence J. Peter & Raymond Hull in their 1970 book, “The Peter Principle”.
    Gov. Big-Sister Whitmer is proof the concept is accurate.

  14. she should be asked, publicly, what she thinks about china and how they have been treating the Uyghurs and are now treating blacks, and if she would condemn that.. she wouldn’t answer that, at least honestly. she probably doesn’t even allow questions- tyrants usually don’t..

  15. What in the world did I just read…?
    =( ̄□ ̄;)⇒

    I haven’t read such backwards, ridiculous thinking in a long time, and considering that I have a Twitter account that’s saying something.


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