Tucker: Are coronavirus lockdowns working? – IOTW Report

Tucker: Are coronavirus lockdowns working?

The eight U.S. states that have still not issued statewide shelter-in-place ordinances are below the national average in coronavirus cases and deaths, per capita.

18 Comments on Tucker: Are coronavirus lockdowns working?

  1. I posted this on Facebook yesterday and got a LOT of feedback, on both sides. Ultimately I posted this comment:
    Here are some truths:
    1) COVID-19 is going to be in the world beyond the end of humanity.
    2) ‘Flatten the curve’ was never, ever, about reducing the total number of people who contracted the virus around the world. It was about reducing the spike in hospitalizations and demand for resources for two reasons: to begin with we were desperately short of resources (and solutions) and needed time to get them; and spreading the need over a longer period of time.
    3) The global economy is damaged more every day; people’s lives are being destroyed every day from the economic impact of quarantining, and many are choosing to end their lives because of it.
    So, we need to take steps to open up the economy, which, yes, will lead to the spread of the virus – but we can do so in a better controlled way by using safe practices to keep the spread to a low rate. This way people can get back to work, medical attention can be kept at a manageable level, and we can get back to something closer to the lives we used to have. Besides which it is summer, which will help to reduce the spread through warmer temperatures.

    To add, those who feel they are at risk can remain in quarantine. Those who feel they are healthy enough to take a small risk – like we all do each year with the flu, and with everyday activities all the time – should be allowed to do so, and most will likely do it in a masked, social distancing way at least for a while. Reality is that we need the virus to spread, but at a measured pace. So no ‘chicken pox parties’ but yes, let people interact.

  2. “Herd immunity”.

    When the real truth comes out, after democrats have totally obliterated the US economy in order to try to oust PJT, this term will be front and center.

  3. If you mean are they working to destroy our economy then the answer is yes.

    If you mean are they working to have our President’s base(and others) desert him then no, not even close.

    If you man are they working to forestall the spread of the Chinese flu, absolutely not. ~mid 90% of people who get this recover or don’t even know they had it. It would have better to, as LCD points out, to just take the precautions we normally take during “regular” flu season.

    And a lotta fookin’ good that’s done me the last 3 seasons.

  4. Tucker Carlson with the best analysis, to date, of what we are witnessing. And watching Americans fall into line with draconian and totalitarian “solutions,” and trusting assholes, YES ASSHOLES, is about the most dispiriting thing I have seen.

    Yes, people died, and it is terrible. But it is no more terrible than any other virus that claims a life. The death toll does not warrant the measures taken.

    They’ve burned down the house because they saw a spider. And more people are going to die, or wish they were dead, because of it.

    Humans are stupid.

  5. “Humans are stupid.”

    Humans are human. Terrified people do stupid things. We recover our composure after a while and stop to consider what terrified us. Then we’re ashamed. Then we’re enraged.
    As a (basically innumerate) society, we take some time and effort to put the pieces together to understand how woefully we’ve been abused.
    “Gee! The numbers are just about exactly the same as every other flu!”
    Only occurs on reflection.

    It was plain from the beginning that the Wuhan Flu did to our economy in 3 months what Obola could not in 8 years – not a coincidence considering it contained the same cast of characters.
    We should be angered (and vengeful) at our abusers, not our ignorance.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. We went for the bi-monthly Walmart hell this morning, no line, and some shelves are bare but was able to get most stuff on the list. The entire aisle that once was filled with Charmin has since been a temporary storage for Easter baskets and now plastic tubs. Not looking good for TP at this point, but had already found some for an exorbitant price at CVS, where they give you enough receipt to actually use as TP.
    A surprising amount of people not wearing masks, most do, probably because the average age in this burg is one foot in the grave.
    Once again, small towns are a better place to be near than big cities when the scat encounters the rotating appliance.

  7. We have to take people at their word for a free society to work. BUT,
    once they’ve LIED to us (by intent or not) then how we react defines who WE are. Honest/trusting people are not stupid, and pacifists aren’t worthy to deserve Peace.

    I will say this, if Biden is elected, then there will be new citizens in Uruguay.

  8. This lockdown prevents herd immunity. Spring is the time to manufacture this “”crisis””..Summer comes, virus eases up dramatically. Then in the fall, beginning of the flu season, just ahead of the Presidential election, there will be a big spike of regular flu, plus Red China Flu— Because there was NO herd immunity in the spring. The wannabe tyrants will ramp up the hate for Trump exponentially. Just in time for the election.

  9. Uruguay is actually a pretty cool place-strong economy and pretty laid back even in it’s larger cities.

    I gave it serious consideration for my new spot. I chose another southern state though for my move out of w Texas.

  10. That dark doom and gloom music FNC plays is really annoying. It belongs in a horror movie, not played on a news station before their covid-19 update stories.

    Another annoyance is every afternoon the governor holds his virus update with a list of people who died in nursing homes or hospitals over the last 24 hours. While it is terrible these people passed away. I have emailed him to please stop hyping the fear by adding some frame of reference to his updates.

    Before the Wuhan virus arrived, how many people in the state died everyday: in nursing homes, the hospitals, or from the flu, auto accidents, heart attacks, cancer, drug overdose, etc.? With no baseline reports of the average number of deaths everyday from other causes, they make covid-19 appear to be a medieval plague event. The coronavirus is not the only angel of death that stalks our neighborhoods every day.

  11. This is not about ‘social’ distancing already, stop with the bullshit terms they give us, (not yous them).

    This is about WORK distancing, let’s start calling this what it really effing is.

    We all need to get back, where ever that is.

    In my case, to a two story ‘brick and mortar’ building that I work in, working at home is not for everyone!! And for some businesses, this work at home ‘model’ is not sustainable.

  12. The lockdowns now have nothing to do with health. Now its about authoritarianism, control, politics, and hatred of Trump and red America.

    Uruguay sounding better every day. This country has lost its #×-@* mind. I have to seek out websites like this one to find vestiges of remaining sanity and common sense. Now off for shopping with terrified zombies wearing masks and gloves.

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