State, local governments expecting layoffs amid push for federal assistance – IOTW Report

State, local governments expecting layoffs amid push for federal assistance

Well, this is one way to shrink government.

19 Comments on State, local governments expecting layoffs amid push for federal assistance

  1. ..Cut Mike DeWine and his pet baby-murdering witch Acton. That ALONE would save the Ohio State economy because everyone could get back to WORK and stop living in Acton’s febrile imaginings or DeWine’s inchoate Trump hating lashing out…

  2. This unnecessary shut down has deprive local governments of one of the primary revenue sources, traffic tickets, parking revenues, parking meters and fines for exiting Time limits with parking meters.

  3. How many of these over educated derelict city, county and state politicians who’s cities, counties, states and unions were already broke and/or bankrupt are going to use the corona virus shutdown as a excuse for their financial woes? All of them!

    Government employment is this nation’s purest form of welfare.

  4. Why should all the job loses always just be in the private sector, small and medium businesses that don’t have easy access to capital and get shut out of the programs by big companies with bank relationships. About time gov workers share the pain. If we furloughed all the teachers how fast would the economy reopen? Why should they get paid and earn healthy pensions when the rest of us suffer.

  5. So the governors, county executives and mayors are envious of the runaway Federal money machine?

    Sorry, guys, that’s the game and you’re not a member of THAT club. You’ll get what they give you.

    The United States is now basically a money racket.

  6. In my town they can start with the dumbass “climate action plan” and “sustainability services.” The amount of money liberals waste on stupid sh*t is infuriating. Instead of flushing it down the drain at least pile it up and burn it so we can roast a hotdog…(sigh…I feel better now. Not a lot, but a little.)

  7. Perfect time and opportunity to reorganize state and local governments by cutting out the unnecessary, redundant and non-governmental programs, services and employees! Get them back to their basic, low-level services as mandated by the constitution!

  8. @Anonymous April 23, 2020 at 6:40 pm

    > Why should they get paid and earn healthy pensions when the rest of us suffer.

    Well… now. If you believe money is infinitely fungible. That people are fungible. That the invisible hand must, always, do what is best. You know, Economics™… Free Markets™… Capitalism™. Then it doesn’t matter where you inject the money. It will automagically flow. To wherever it does the most good. For the most people. In the least amount of time. You know, Economics™… Free Markets™… Capitalism™. If people… those things with free will, to choose what is the best, most productive, deployment, of money… decide what should be done.

    If you believe in… you know, Economics™… Free Markets™… Capitalism™. Then all the money… all, every single cent… should be placed only… exclusively, to the exclusion of all other non-person entities… in the hands of the citizens. Directly. No intermediaries. To pervert their wisdom. Of wherever it does the most good. For the most people. In the least amount of time.

    Unless, of course, you… don’t… believe… any of that.

  9. In the state of SayWA there may be a furlough or two, all paid back later, but the tax increases will be MONUMENTAL. I’m thinking of folding up my tents while I still have some cash money left. Inslee, alligator mouth and sparrow chest that he is, will be coming for everything we have left.

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