This Is Pelosi’s Face Now? – IOTW Report

This Is Pelosi’s Face Now?

This is NOT. I REPEAT. NOT Photoshopped.

How do we know this isn’t a drag queen?

58 Comments on This Is Pelosi’s Face Now?

  1. Pelosi has been replaced with her alien clone and is now on an uncharted island somewhere in the southern Pacific ocean, where she will live out the rest of her days not having to worry about ever running out of ice cream. This is her reward for assisting in the wholesale destruction of the country that paid her to do it.

  2. WAIT!!! I SAW this episode!!!

    DARKROOM – early ’80s – hosted by James Coburn. In this episode, the old man dies, and while his heart is stopped, he keeps on moving and “living” – refusing to go to his grave. The grandson visits a gypsy (fortuneteller?) for advice, and she sez, “Put a tablespoon of pepper in his napkin at dinner,” and the old man will finally die.

    So at supper, the old man whips his napkin (cloth) out – the pepper flies everywhere and he inhales it, and sneezes into his napkin. He holds the napkin over his face for several seconds, then excuses himself from the table, shuffling slowly for the stairs, muttering something like, “Well… I guess it IS time to die,” over his shoulder.

    The family looks in the napkin, and his nose and half his face is in it! 😮

    THIS IS THE SOLUTION!!! WAVE some pepper in NANCY’S FACE!!! She’ll sneeze, blow half her face off, realize she’s a ZOMBIE, and then go lay down and BE dead!!! 🤔

  3. Have you seen one politician, leader at any level or media person that isn’t still getting their hair services, cosmetics etc. Dear Nancy looks like someone shot her up with an insane amount of Botox. Only customer! Yes you need more!

  4. @UncleAl

    Wasn’t that the face-stretching that F. Murray Abraham had done in “Star Trek: Insurrection?” It KILLED Anthony Zerbe, when he put it on “NANCY PELOSI” setting! 😆

  5. Listen, we called her ‘crazy pelosi’ years ago. Now’s she 80!

    When people get older, they don’t get better, they get worse. She’s really out there.

    Speaking or lunatics:

    The crazy yale ‘shrink’ is at it again:

    Yale psychiatrist claims Trump supporters like brainwashed ‘child soldiers:

    Narcissists are a deluded, dangerous bunch.

  6. @MJA April 23, 2020 at 8:25 pm

    > She has shark eyes. Always open, angry. Looking for BOTOX on the horizon.

    (Roy Scheider voice:)

    “You’re gonna need a bigger needle baster.”

  7. She looks like somebody shouted, “Surprise!!’, stuck a straw into her and slurped all of the moisture out.
    Leaving Nancy with a perplexed, air vacuumed look.

  8. Heaven won’t have her and Hell don’t want her.

    Thus, she exists as an un-dead thing – a wraith – a curse on America.
    Undying, unfeeling, greedy, grasping, hating all life and all decency, clinging to the material world in terror of apprehending the revealed God.

    izlamo delenda est …


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