Michigan Democrats Plan Vote to Target Rep. Karen Whitsett and Ban Further Democrats From Endorsing President Trump – IOTW Report

Michigan Democrats Plan Vote to Target Rep. Karen Whitsett and Ban Further Democrats From Endorsing President Trump


No-one is allowed to leave the DNC plantation, ever!

Michigan Democrats are apoplectic that State Representative Karen Whitsett credited President Trump for her coronavirus recovery earlier in the month with praise for his support for hydroxychloroquine.  Making the issue even worse for the party of authoritarian control Mrs. Whitsett is black, and thinking for herself.

As a direct result, the Michigan Democrat party is planning to censure Rep. Whitsett and formerly ban anyone from the Democrat party from endorsing President Trump; or they will face total financial and structural ostracization from the party. read more

8 Comments on Michigan Democrats Plan Vote to Target Rep. Karen Whitsett and Ban Further Democrats From Endorsing President Trump

  1. Is anyone really surprised? Since this quarantine began I’ve seen an endless stream of stories like this. The dems/libs are beyond redemption. Let’s find some stories about the solutions.

    We conservatives have carried the burden for too long now. Trump was and is a god-send, but he’s not a God. He’s done so much. but we need to do more than talk.

    /rant off

  2. Hey, democrats take action. Republicans let their politicians get by with anything.

    When democrats pull little babies out of the womb and stick a instrument into the little babies head and then proceed to pull the little babies limbs off so they can sell them. maybe some republican pol will meekly say they shouldn’t do that. And then the democrats, all in unison, tell the republican to GET FUCKED! And the republican slinks away with his tail between his legs.

    And then a few months later, the democrats say that we all have to stay in our house, and we can’t go for a walk ALL BY OURSELVES in the park, because that will kill somebody. And the republican politician says ” yes, sir. I’ll order my people to stay in their house and not dare go to the park.”

    Republican politicians are infinitely more disgusting than democrat politicians. They will let their own constituents who voted for them get the hell beat out of them if it means the local newspaper will speak favorably of them.

    I hate republican politicians with a passion.

    We won the election, and yet the democrats rule.


  3. How in the hell is it that the dems only control the house, yet they get EVERYTHING in their agenda passed? How lame can the rinos get without actually kissing soros’s ass on Main Street at noon in Washington DC.

  4. Democrats are just better at politics. They actually discipline party members, and withhold resources from them. Meanwhile, the Republicans keep getting Flake, McCain, Romney over and over again, and this is why!

  5. It’s not Democrat vs. Republican. It’s Truth vs. The great deceiver. Truth seekers vs. Truth fleeing. Most Democrats are afraid of the truth, it’s not as useful to the power grubbing sort, but there are some who are naive enough to think “the party” would allow free will(the outcome of free thought). This woman needs prayers lest she be sucked back under the fog of perception the party prefers. Power. Power over others is like a drug, John McCain’s and ilk are addicts, to “other than Truth”. Republicans? Never choose party first, they’ll disappoint every time. I’ll give you lesser of two evils, but when does evil make anything better? Truth vs. Lies. The virus,doesn’t choose party over party. This lady being attacked for being happy for help in her quest to live shows clearly how the mob of the communist will kill you, they’re flailing for their survival in obeying their god….anti-truth.


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