‘We’re Doing It. It’s Possible!’: Enviro-Activist Applauds Global Pandemic’s Impact on Climate Change – IOTW Report

‘We’re Doing It. It’s Possible!’: Enviro-Activist Applauds Global Pandemic’s Impact on Climate Change

10 more years of total economic shutdown might be enough to meet Paris climate accord requirements

WFB: The coronavirus pandemic unleashed by China, and the ensuing shutdown of the global economy, looks to climate activists like a golden opportunity to convince skeptics that their goals are reasonable and easy to achieve.

Eric Holthaus, a self-described “ecosocialist” and user of the popular social networking website Twitter, was thrilled to announce that global carbon emissions are expected to fall by 6 percent this year, which would mark the biggest annual decline since World War II.

“We’re doing it. It’s possible!” wrote Holthaus, adding that the world would need to maintain these pandemic levels of economic shutdown “every year until 2030” to achieve the goals set by the Paris climate accords, which climate activists view as a good first step. read more

13 Comments on ‘We’re Doing It. It’s Possible!’: Enviro-Activist Applauds Global Pandemic’s Impact on Climate Change

  1. Good job assholes!
    Your beloved UN just said yesterday that 160 Million people MORE will be on the cusp of starvation due to Kung Flu & WHO incompetence.



    As I said before, if every drooling, hand-rubbing communist wasn’t supporting it, I’d be on board. Who is against pollution? No one. But this is just another opportunity to hide behind an issue, a child, a minority, a vulnerable animal as a shield to promote communism and control.

    1. Use a black women to push communism.
    2. Blow back
    3. “Why do you hate black women?”

    Just a shield to protect from what’s behind it.

  3. It MUST be working now because Bill and Melinda Gates just purchased a 43 million dollar mansion ON THE OCEAN in Del Mar California. He and Obama aren’t really worried are they? Mansions on both coasts.

  4. They really do lack self awareness. Yes to achieve their goals they have sought for years this proves the only way to get there is to have empty grocery store shelves, force people to hunker down in homes in fear, reduce economic activity, throw people out of work, throw the markets into chaos, institute 1984-ish snitch programs and arrest families enjoying a walk in the park, foment social unrest and accuse those who wish to peaceably assemble of being racist. This is your socialists of America.

  5. Wait for food shortages and famine, particularly in Africa and parts of Asia where the Locusts have taken such a toll on crops this year.

    With reduced production in the rest of the world to supplement that area there will not be enough to aid them without reducing supplies elsewhere as well.

    Not that it would be of any concern to those “environmentalists” who seem to be immune to the damage they want done and won’t be among the suffering ones.

  6. “We’re doing it. It’s possible!” wrote Holthaus, adding that the world would need to maintain these pandemic levels of economic shutdown “every year until 2030” to achieve the goals set by the Paris climate accords, which climate activists view as a good first step.

    This is Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism thought. Kill millions with 10 years of pandemic economic conditions. Then, on top of that human suffering and death they build a new world more to their liking.

    This thinking is so sick, yet we have seen it before many times, and the resulting human tragedy that is always necessary to try to make it work.


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