Curious Why US News Networks Are Supportive of Chinese Government? Just Look at the Corporate Ownership – IOTW Report

Curious Why US News Networks Are Supportive of Chinese Government? Just Look at the Corporate Ownership

[…] Now look at the commercial makeup of the major news outlets. CNN is part of the newly expanded Time Warner-ATT merger. NBC, and by extension MSNBC and CNBC, are under the umbrella of the Comcast monolith. It becomes clear that taking a harshly critical eye towards China could imperil the interests of the parent companies. 


There have been a number of disturbing reactions in the press when it comes to the coverage of the coronavirus outbreak. From the distortion of the administration’s actions to the contradictions in the critiques to the focus on only negative outcomes, the media complex has been notably obnoxious. One of the other truly disturbing actions has been the coverage of China and its role in all of this global pandemic strife.

The press has ranged from excusing responsibility to spearheading the Chi-Com insistence that the term ‘’Wuhan virus’’ be deemed racist, in order to skirt blame for the outbreak’s origins. There has been light coverage of the efforts to restrict notification of other nations, scant reports on the harsh methods employed by the government on the Mainland to contain the virus, and barely notice made of the suspect outreach by China – from flawed healthcare equipment sold to tainted testing kits delivered to nations. Excusing the World Health Organization of culpability is another connected result.

Our press has been also speaking glowingly on how China supposedly has been successful in containing its virus problem. There has been little curiosity to look into this claim, showing a willingness to merely repeat the party line delivered by the ruling party, despite two glaring issues. This is the same ruling class that has practiced sophistry and misdirection with the initial outbreak, yet no questions are posed about the veracity of current reports from this same source. Additionally, if the Chinese are experiencing such a grand reaction in efforts to stem the outbreak, why are they not offering the rest of the world their successful techniques? read more

10 Comments on Curious Why US News Networks Are Supportive of Chinese Government? Just Look at the Corporate Ownership

  1. America used to be a helluva good country (quoting Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider, although I mean it in a different way).

    I don’t know why we are surrounded by so many scumbags now, especially in the media and entertainment industries. If things had been like this in WWII, we’d had gotten whipped easily by Germany and Japan.

    Like Britain, we have lost our testicles, the one thing in our make-up that used to guarantee our freedom and independence.

  2. TimBuktu @1.07

    “I don’t know why we are surrounded by so many scumbags now, especially in the media and entertainment industries.”

    Because we allowed them to grow. We let them into our homes and used them. We allowed television and movies to grow and thrive despite the immoral messages they slipped in. As they got away with the small things, they increased their message of anti-Christianity with humor; we laughed along with the depictions of fathers as idiots – after all, it was funny and clever; we allowed our radio airwaves to be injected with slimy lyrics the adults could hardly decipher, but our youth did, and absorbed it all.

    We accepted the chastisement of these evil people when they told us to be more tolerant.

    We all brought this upon ourselves, with few exceptions, to where even our churches are deeply infected.

    Rant off

  3. But, how is the government supposed to control the actions of the bureaucracies it creates?

    How is the government supposed to control the actions of the bureaucracies it must continually re-approve the continued existence of?

    It’s not like the government has any say in government enterprise.


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