How birds evolved big brains – IOTW Report

How birds evolved big brains

Science Daily: An international team of evolutionary biologists and paleontologists have reconstructed the evolution of the avian brain using a massive dataset of brain volumes from dinosaurs, extinct birds like Archaeopteryx and the Great Auk, and modern birds.

The study, published online today in the journal Current Biology, reveals that prior to the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous Period, birds and non-avian dinosaurs had similar relative brain sizes. After the extinction, the brain-body scaling relationship shifted dramatically as some types of birds underwent an explosive radiation to re-occupy ecological space vacated by extinct groups.

“One of the big surprises was that selection for small body size turns out to be a major factor in the evolution of large-brained birds,” says Dr. Daniel Ksepka, Curator of Science at the Bruce Museum and lead author of the study. “Many successful bird families evolved proportionally large brains by shrinking down to smaller body sizes while their brain sizes stayed close to those of their larger-bodied ancestors.”

In order to understand how bird brains changed, a team of 37 scientists used CT scan data to create endocasts (models of the brain based on the shape of the skull cavity) of hundreds of birds and dinosaurs, which they combined with a large existing database of brain measurements from modern birds. They then analyzed brain-body allometry: the way brain size scales with body size. read more

19 Comments on How birds evolved big brains

  1. And then you have the evolutionary result of the humanoid small bird-brain; Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, almost any Hollywood celebrity, Schiff (minuscule bird-brain example), and most demoncrat congressional parasites, with underdeveloped tick-sized bird-brains.

    The Cumo brothers, DeBlasio, MSM, a few state governors and city mayors (you know who they are), are in a sub class called humanoid super microscopic bird-brain, which falls under the tick sized bird-brain in size.

    All of which explains the inability to speak without scripts.

  2. If these guys got together with the Iranian “scientists” just imagine what they could come up with. Does the model they used work as well as the Wuhan virus models? Cuz it sounds like a load of BS to me.

  3. How does one study something that you can’t see, feel, touch, hear, smell, taste, know or experience?

    It’s like when they tell you the surface temperature of the sun. How do they know? Nothing we have ever created can get anywhere close to the sun.

    It’s all a guess. Their best possible guess according to whatever they want to believe.

    It is their religion.

  4. We all go through micro “evolution” every change-of-season. When it starts getting cold in the fall, our bodies have to get used to the cold. By January, we can tolerate -10 degrees. In the late spring, we need to adjust to hotter temps. In May, we sweat and are uncomfortable until July/August when we don’t even notice 90 degrees anymore (unless it’s 100% humidity!).

    Ok, that’s a silly comparison, but it’s close.

    All things go through micro evolution, but they never EVER develop into something of a different kind. Birds don’t develop into horses. They develop different types of beaks in order to crack open a different type of seed.

    The same is true for Democrats. But they go through a DEevolution instead. Unlike ‘scientists’ speculating theories, we have seen it happen over our lifetimes.

  5. Natural selection SELECTS from a richer DNA that is less rich after the selection. That is not evolving. Nothing was added. The DNA gets less rich with each selection.

    There is never an addition of information that was not present before. Duplicating some string of it is not DIFFERENT information that would change a frog into a prince no matter how many years you give it.

    To believe in evolution is to deny the science of the second law of thermodynamics. Things always move to a state of entropy. They never get more complicated without external influence. You won’t find any on earth that does. Amazing it’s “science” that can’t be reproduced in a lab experiment. Takes a lot of faith to make that leap past scientific standards and say it’s science.

    You go back through your evolutionary tree and tell me where the first living thing came from. You will have a story you “believe” to be true, but you can’t work it out with science. Because only life begets life. You have to deny science in your belief in evolution.

    All to deny the creator.

    BTW. Hell is pitch black, there is no speck of creation to look at or feel. Not even gravity. And you won’t have anyone to talk to. The anguish and gnashing of teeth is that you will know without a doubt you chose to be there because you didn’t want to spend eternity with God.

    It’s black because God is light and you rejected God. He will not be present for you at that time. Your hopelessness will be crushing.

    He will give you what you want and leave you very alone if you don’t want anything to do with Him.. Your essence of who you are will exist forever. Please consider the consequences of your choice.

  6. Dadof4, you are correct. I cringe when I hear people in movies or TV shows laugh about Hell. They usually say something like, “I don’t mind going to Hell. All my friends will be there.”

    No, Hell is seperation from God. Anything good that you have in this life will not be in Hell.

    I like what you said, Dadof4, that it will be without a “speck of creation to look at or feel”. I’m going to use that whenever I talk to people about Hell. It’s real, and you will be there alone. Forever.

  7. YHWH is THE GREATEST Object Oriented Programmer (OOP) EVER! Yes, I have been a software developer (among other things) for over 30 years.

    Claudia & Dadof4, the only caveat I would have you consider is that while Satan, the fallen “angels”, etc… are eternal creations and by nature can suffer eternally, man is not. Those resurrected to judgement at the end of the 1000 year (7th day) reign of Yahshuah, will be eternally destroyed, as if they never existed and the “breath of life” in them will return to whence it came, the creator.

    Shabbat shalom!

  8. Claudia; that’s what every evolutionist assumes, that adaptation in the long run = evolution.
    One might lead to the other, but so far, none of my adaptations have proven to make me a better human; mostly they just hurt.

  9. @Ghost

    I have read that ravens are really smart. Someone observed them tag-teaming a dog that was eating out of a bowl of dog food. One at a time, they approached the dog, got the dog’s attention followed by a short chase, and the other raven would chow down at the dog’s dish. Then they would swap places so both got to eat.

    Amazing! I like birds a lot and find them to be pretty damn smart, and many of them are beautiful.


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