SCOTUS Delivers Victory for Trump: Approves Deporting Immigrant for Crimes – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Delivers Victory for Trump: Approves Deporting Immigrant for Crimes

WeLoveTrump: Deporting immigrants for crimes just became easier, as a new Supreme Court ruling set a precedent for future cases.

In a 5-4 decision, the court upheld a lower court decision that a Jamaican immigrant could be deported for ciminal convictions in the state of Georgia. 

Andre Martello Barton, who was charged with firearm and drug offenses, may have a harder time fighting deportation orders.

The Supreme Court ruling does not mean that he will be deported.

Rather, the ruling means that under the law, his crimes made him eligible to be deported.

The case revolved around the deportation elegibility.

Generally, green card holders can apply to have their deportation order canceled if they’ve been living in the United States continuously for a minimum of 7 years.

That rule would have applied for Barton had it not been for the criminal convictions. more

10 Comments on SCOTUS Delivers Victory for Trump: Approves Deporting Immigrant for Crimes

  1. Drive by shootings, Drug convictions, Illegal firearms, and on and on.

    This guy has no respect for this country and its laws, and presents a clear and present danger to its citizens and other legal residents here.

    He doesn’t belong here, I find it hard to believe there was enough high level support given to him that it had to go all the way to the Supreme Court to allow anything to be done about it.

    But we might be able to start doing something to correct this kind of situation now.

    At least occasionally anyway.

  2. …I never thought I’d live to see the day that it was even DEBATABLE if we should allow foreign criminals to live among us, but then I never thought we’d lay down our Constitutional, God-given rights for a lie-fluffed flu either, or even elect a foreign national avowed America hater as it’s President, so even at my age, I guess I can still be surprised…

    …but I wouldn’t get used to it…if they hate the nation SO MUCH they will kill us ALL to get to one man, I’m willing to bet their NEXT crime will be a crime against humanity indeed….

  3. I am so tired of these anti-American SCOTUS justices.
    “ In a dissent, liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor called the ruling “at odds with common sense.” Sotomayor noted that the immigration judge who heard Barton’s case said she would have preferred to grant Barton’s bid to avoid deportation, noting that he had rehabilitated and that his four children were all U.S. citizens.”

    So if a criminal manages to impregnate his “baby mama” enough to times, the “wise Latina” (sic) thinks the criminal Alien is eligible to stay in the country? This woman is loco.

  4. Whoop-tee-dooo! The Constitution already “approves deportations.”

    “Now then, you folks get back in your holes, STFD and STFU until we tell you otherwise.” -The Government of the United States.

  5. Get a load of this little gem from Sotomayor, who wrote the dissent: Barton, a 42-year-old car repair shop manager and father of four, was targeted for deportation after criminal convictions in Georgia for drug and gun crimes.



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