California’s Background Check Law on Ammo Sales Blocked by Federal Judge – IOTW Report

California’s Background Check Law on Ammo Sales Blocked by Federal Judge

Townhall: Gun owners in California rejoice. At least part of your state’s anti-gun agenda has been blocked by a federal judge. The new law on background checks for ammunition sales has been put on hold, with Judge Roger Benitez ruling that the law was “onerous and convoluted.” This was a law years in the making, passed by a 2016 ballot initiative. It was supposed to go into effect July of this year.  read more

15 Comments on California’s Background Check Law on Ammo Sales Blocked by Federal Judge

  1. Anonymous
    APRIL 25, 2020 AT 11:25 AM

    “They won’t give up.”

    …well then, neither should we.

    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”
    -Edmund Burke

  2. My Cali friend told this me yesterday. He’s a liberal and even he was pissed about the law. Said he stocked up on 9mm before it went into effect and agrees it’s unconstitutional. I was mildly surprised by his same stance as my own, he kind of straddles the line. I get some anti-gun statements from him consistently, but he keeps a pistol handy and won’t go without it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Uncle Al, My friend and another Cali in the conversation said it was in effect and they had been through the check for every purchase since then. “It’s not that bad. Only takes 5 minutes.”

    They were both happy about this turn of events.

  3. That didn’t last long. Cali DMV issued me one of those “not good for Fed ID” license so I can’t buy ammo in Cali. But I’m an FFL so I buy it at dealer pricing from the distributors.

  4. @Supernightshade April 25, 2020 at 11:32 am

    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”
    -Edmund Burke

    I understand the sentiment(alism). I do. But define “good”.

    Because, if it involves the right pious straightening of bowties. The insistence of “evil” waiting it’s “proper” turn. As “we” all, must wait our “proper” turn. And much mincing about. While they wait. Until the “good” agree, amongst their respectable, bowtied, selves, that “It is their turn, again”. Because… rules… and stuff.

    Their “sacrifice” will be, truly, “unpitied”. Even by some “evil”, have always, called “enemy”.

  5. Has ANYONE checked to see if we have enough ROPE in this country these days?! 🤔

    Because when all the bastards that NEED hanging are hung, there WILL be a SERIOUS shortage THEN!!! 😳

  6. @Bob M. — Not to worry. I hear that red tape is plenty strong enough and we have millions and millions of miles of it in this country. Heck, we’d have plenty just with the EPA, OSHA, and local business licensing offices.


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