FCC may halt U.S. operations of 3 state-controlled Chinese telecom firms – IOTW Report

FCC may halt U.S. operations of 3 state-controlled Chinese telecom firms

Reuters- WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Friday said it may shut down the U.S. operations of three state-controlled Chinese telecommunications companies, citing national security risks.

The FCC issued so-called show cause orders to China Telecom Americas, China Unicom Americas, Pacific Networks Corp and its wholly owned subsidiary ComNet (USA) LLC, directing them to explain why it should not start the process of revoking authorizations enabling their U.S. operations.

The FCC’s action represents the latest sign of President Donald Trump’s administration taking a hard line toward China. read more

10 Comments on FCC may halt U.S. operations of 3 state-controlled Chinese telecom firms

  1. So, the Chicoms were allowed access to our airwaves by the pre-Kenyan Texan? Not a surprise, although he hid his globalist tendencies for a while. I voted for him – the other choice was worse.

  2. Great, but I can’t remember when the FCC actually did something! I can imagine that people in the FCC just dropped their donuts to call each other wondering what to do!

  3. Remember Diane Feinstein’s Chinese “driver” who, it turned out, was a spy? I purposely chose to link SF’s local CBS report on this because you know if they reported on it, it must have been bad: https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2018/08/01/details-chinese-spy-dianne-feinstein-san-francisco/

    What happened to that story? She “forced him to quit.” Pfft. Shut up! She was so shocked (uh huh, oh sure) when the FBI told her he had infiltrated her office. What was the consequences to her for being so stupid (complicit?)? Not a thing.

  4. As Slick Willy showed us over 20 years ago, every politician has a price. The sick thing is that our purchases of cheap CCP products was/is returned in the form of bribes, er ah, I mean campaign contributions to our bought and paid for rulers, fka representatives and senators. We have been funding our own demise.


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