Cyclist berated by CNN’s Cuomo speaks out on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ – IOTW Report

Cyclist berated by CNN’s Cuomo speaks out on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’

Long Island resident David Whelan says he was verbally attacked by Chris Cuomo when he challenged the CNN anchor for breaking coronavirus quarantine.

12 Comments on Cyclist berated by CNN’s Cuomo speaks out on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’

  1. @Bobcat:

    Could’ve done without the Cuomosexual Workout during the Video…

    Me, too. But then I realized why TC included that stuff: subtly implied supporting evidence for his “‘roid rage” observation.

  2. Andrew “Not Our Job” Cuomo needs to buy little Fredo a fat-tired bike so he can get a REAL workout. Let’s see if he’s faster that a Rona Virus quarantine sneeze.

  3. Uncle Al – Yep- I kept cracking up about that. Just throwing some Alinsky back at the Left.

    I don’t think the guy is a nasty busybody. Maybe just a plain busybody. But if the ‘stay at home’ is getting drilled in NY’ers heads, then Fredo needs to own his mistake because bicycle guy was within his right to say something. Snitches don’t get stitches in NY. Ain’t that right de Cuomosio?

  4. If I was casting people for a movie, The Cuomos would be in it as mafioso thugs. Just look at them. Mobster is written all over their faces. Remember when Geradine Ferraro was a VP on the democrat ticket a few years ago? Her husband was at one of her appearances. He looked so mafioso that you never saw him again.

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