CNN’s Tapper calls NYC parade ‘one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever heard’ – IOTW Report

CNN’s Tapper calls NYC parade ‘one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever heard’

With the Neutral Zone Infraction, Just the News tries to do its part to maintain the line between fact and opinion in American journalism by blowing the whistle each week on an egregious example of slanted coverage by reporters. This week’s offender: CNN’s Jake Tapper.

On CNN Tuesday anchor and chief Washington correspondent Jake Tapper derided New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s idea of having a parade to celebrate health workers as “one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever heard.”

Tapper’s comment came on the heels of these remarks from CNN’s Erica Hill:

“And just one other note from here in New York, we talk so much about what has changed, what is being cancelled, the mayor noting that when New York is ready, one of the first things they plan to do is hold a ticker tape parade for the healthcare workers who, in the words of the mayor, ‘saved us.’ He said it will also be a sign of the rebirth of this city.”  more

12 Comments on CNN’s Tapper calls NYC parade ‘one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever heard’

  1. The thing about the ticker tape parade that does not work? What about the people, the ones that are to be celebrated, actually have to pull a dam shift that day of the parade!!! OR a double shift?

    Iow, in order for the All the ‘new heroes’ doing their job @Crackerbaby (I agree), to be able to celebrate and be THERE for the celebration NYC wants to do, they would need several of these parades.

    Everyone will get a trophy in the New Normal, except for the new ‘deniers’ to quote Al the Bore Wooden Indian.

    I say that with MAJOR respects to anyone here that is ESU’s or has family in such circumstance ‘on any given Sunday’ or early Monday morning…be safe always.

  2. Fifth Amendment:

    “No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…

    So we have many Governors who have violated The Constitution Of The United States during this so called pandemic.

    How do we go about addressing this grievance? Sue our States? Ask Congress to intervene and stop it? Ask the President to instruct the Department Of Justice to file charges against States? What?

    We have been gravely wronged.

  3. How many conditions are going undiagnosed because nobody is allowed to see doctors unless it is the COVID virus or some life threatening emergency?

    I tell you I will be mighty pissed if I am told “We could have done something if we had diagnosed this three months earlier.”

  4. It’s shaping up to look like the “medical professionals” in NYC had the same beneficial effect on the covid victims as the Dachau concentration camp guards had on the jews.


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