Andrew Cuomo Blames Nursing Homes as Questions Mount over Coronavirus Directive – IOTW Report

Andrew Cuomo Blames Nursing Homes as Questions Mount over Coronavirus Directive

Breitbart: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday that nursing homes that could not comply with a March 25 directive requiring them to accept coronavirus patients should have obeyed “regulations” and transferred patients if they could not care for them.

The directive, issued March 25, stated (original emphasis): “No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”

On Thursday, Cuomo said he would investigate nursing homes that failed to follow laws and regulations on “separation and isolation policies, staffing policies and inadequate personal protective equipment.”

But nursing homes say that they could not possibly cope on short notice with the state’s sudden demand to care for patients infected with a highly contagious disease.

A reporter asked Cuomo at his press briefing Saturday whether the state department of health should have done more, leading up to the pandemic, to prepare nursing homes and ensure that they had adequate equipment and staff. more here

19 Comments on Andrew Cuomo Blames Nursing Homes as Questions Mount over Coronavirus Directive

  1. Cuomo is a politician not an actual leader with the ability to make smart decisions, you shouldn’t expect much in the intelligence department.

  2. Hey Blomo, aren’t you the one who decided to send these sick people back to the Nursing Homes in the first place?
    You sir are nothing but a fucking murderer.

  3. This is the most heinous disregard of senior rights ever forced on New York by elected officials in modern times. Cuomo and Zucker are criminally responsible for the deaths of over 3,000 disabled New York citizens.

  4. The elderly are society’s repositories of memory.
    Every tyranny must eliminate them.

    Gov’t can change textbooks, they can’t change remembrances of things past.

    Ties back in with Zeke Emanuel and Obola blathering about not treating the elderly ill – just giving them pain meds (which would be a blessing, I guess).
    And the Canuks refusal to do knee and heart surgeries on the elderly.
    And Holland and Belgium killing off their old folks – like the French do.

    There’s a pattern here, people … and a common denominator.
    Ray Charles could see that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “America’s Governor”. Yeah, if America were 1930’S Nazi Germany. Just another politician who can talk out of both sides of his mouth AND his @$$ at the same time. Go take a bleach bath Cuomotose.

  6. …in healthcare, you’re always judged by reasonable peer standards, i.e. what would a reasonable person with your level of training and in your situation have done. This is the ‘standard of care’. You could not judge a Good Samaritan by what a doctor would have done, nor judge a doctor in the bottom of an elevator shaft with a patient with a crushed trachea and only a pen knife in his pocket by the same standard as a similar doctor in an OR with a full staff and a planned surgery. You compare like to like to find standards, and then judge by that standard.

    By that token, if you arbitrarily set a standard of care that NO ONE can meet, you can’t consider it as a valid standard since the peer group is not capable of meeting it. If you sue a doctor for not curing your wife’s Stage 4 breast cancer and EVERY OTHER doctor says they would not have been able to save her, you will NOT prevail.

    This is where the nursing homes are.

    Cuomo set impossible standards, vauge standards, short timeline standards, completely arbitrary standards, and standards the nursing homes were not equipped to meet.

    And, that NO nursing home could successfully meet them, that proves they are NOT ‘standards’ at ALL.

    …that said, I’m not sure they don’t share some culpability. Were I, as an EMT, told to cut open a chest and do an open heart massage on a patient or I’d lose my license, if I proceeded to follow that illegal order and performed a procedure I was NOT trained to do, I would be righteously liable for the misfeaseance I participated in REGARDLESS my intentions OR the outcome.

    At some point, if you take an action you KNOW will injure another, YOU are responsible to REFUSE that action. This would apply whether it was a soldier being ordered to shoot his prisoners, a police officer ordered to shoot into a crowd of peaceful protestors, or a nursing home ordered to expose their patients to a clear and present danger.

    Cuomo gave a stupid, evil, and proably unlawful order.

    That does NOT exonerate you for FOLLOWING that order.

    Better to refuse and have the legal fight later. Not hard, using Democrats’ own statements, to PROVE you could consider it an unreasonable risk. Let HIM come shut your home down and arrest you on TV for protecting your patients.

    I’m pretty sure you’d be all right.

    …and, even if NOT, I would MUCH rather be called ‘guilty’ by a liberal, biased ‘judge’ for not following an illegal order, than found ‘GUILTY by a righteous God before His heavenly throne for not preventing the death of His children out of fear of a servant of satan, just sayin’…

    …the Cuomos need to be drug to a lamppost and raised into its light for all to see.

    But this “following orders” thing can’t be allowed to stand, either…

    …God gave you ALL a brain. It’s on YOU to USE it.

  7. Yep, the D govenor’s are up to no good.

    From New York

    From Minnesota

    In Michigan Gretchen is shipping CCP virus patients to Medilodge nursing care facilities. Some just brought into Traverse City and big outbreak in Gaylord Michigan and info is hard to find.

    Sending China Virus patients to N.H.’s is guaranteed to cause spreading. the Traverse City Record Eagle ( pay wall, no link from me ) ran an article on it that a fellow worker read to me. Seems there is quite a profit to make from taking these patients.

    At work so I gotta run, stay safe everyone.

  8. …nice, too, that they lock FAMILY out because they MIGHT be carriers, then force KNOW carriers IN because, politics.

    …where’s that “Abundance Of Caution” NOW?!?


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