Political Pandemic: Will Democrats Who Flee Cities Take City Values with Them? – IOTW Report

Political Pandemic: Will Democrats Who Flee Cities Take City Values with Them?

The COVID-19 pandemic has chased many city folk out of the densely-populated urban core, and some aren’t coming back. Will Democrats who flee cities and move to suburban and rural areas take their values with them? Or does geography shape ideology?

43 Comments on Political Pandemic: Will Democrats Who Flee Cities Take City Values with Them?

  1. There are different things of value, but it all depends on your upbringing that determines and defines ones sense of worth. These wanderers will bring their own developed values they’ve been weened on.

  2. Yes. Keep these idiots out of red states. I lived through having to flee CO to Tx and it already is getting iffy in many parts of TX. Either come here to join our business friendly ways or stay the hell out!

  3. Dial “D” for Duh. The socialist utopia they escaped just did it wrong. They know what to do right this time.

    Gentrify a black neighborhood. All move into the same part of town. Start funding far left city council members to support rigid codes enforcement.

    From there, it’s a hop, skip and a competitive artisanal pickle scene to “you know what this little city of 650,000 needs? A $10,000,000,000.00 public transit system.”

  4. Of course they will, no survival skills, no mechanical ability, belief that food comes from the supermarket. These sheeple need to have someone hold their hands constantly.

  5. SayWA got Californicated in the eighties. Now we’re hard left almost everywhere west of the cascades. Seattle vies with San Fran craphole for the most disgusting display of incompetent virtue signaling wokeness.

    They bring their stupidity along, it’s all in their heads.

  6. You keep hearing them talking about Texas being purple. Texas! If we lose Texas we’re in trouble. I no longer ignore liberal talk from people when in the past I was apt to ignore. I now go at them with both barrels blazing letting them know that I’m not a pushover for their bullshit. Usually only have to do it once.

  7. We have a cabin (OK. it’s a shack) up in the Adirondacks and everyone up there are Second Amendment cheerleaders and “Don’t tread on me” flag flyers. They will not tolerate city slickers. Even we can feel the “you are from down state” look sometimes. The only bad thing is they do not vote. They are totally off the grid. Hence, the Cuomo fiasco being voted in and other state officials. I really don’t think those spoiled brats from the urban cities will be accepted and they will go back to what they know. Just my opinion.

    Gob Bless us all!

  8. I have a good friend whose wife sells high end real estate in Atlanta, in the last 2 weeks she has sold 2 homes @$750k+ sight unseen by 2 couples escaping New York. He said it is scary, the elitist are buying the high end homes just from viewing online video, leaving the big apple, and it is not just her agency, there is a major surge moving to Atlanta. it already is overwhelmed by the woke elitist already there, now there is a new wave of socialists moving South.

  9. I’m sorry. Did you use the words ‘Democrats’ and ‘values’ in the same sentence?

    Fleeing and relocating insects from big blue is not going
    to do real Americans any favors. They will vote in your state AND cheat by mail in their former states.

  10. Really? It’s the invaders’ fault? Because your “good” neighbors sold you out, opened the gate, and took the sack of silver? On their way out? Because you’ve agreed that whoever squats here, gets to rule us, all? Because you’re, all, so “good”?

  11. Yes. The exodus from CA has infected most of the West and Midwest states already. it started in the 80’s when the real estate tanked in CA. Many of the Homowood libtards are living in TX, AZ, NM, CO, NV, and ID, WY, MT nd UT. They have been backed up by the regular libtards who follow them like the whores who used to follow armies in the old days.

    Wherever liberalism goes, destruction, chaos, and social blight follows.

  12. California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Vermont… all fell to the proggy plagues of all devouring grasshoppers.
    Why should they change their nasty little ways now?

  13. You fail to mention the reason they are leaving which is the disastrous failed policies of CA’s reub governors that got the state into such financial trouble to begin with.

    We have successfully Blued Nevada. For all intents and purposes we have Blued Montana. Idaho will change very soon as they get the influx of our people Washington, Oregon and California. Arizona is also changing color. New Mexico and Colorado are both firmly in our grasp. The real plumb is Texas which will be ours in under 2-3 years.


  14. You have discovered the Main Stream Media is a Scam
    You have discovered the Medical Industrial Complex is a Scam
    You have discovered the Democrat Party is a Scam

    Do you ever think about Real Estate Immigrants and Chambers of Commerce Meat Circles and Sheeple Property Management Infrastuctures?

  15. >i?”Wherever liberalism goes, destruction, chaos, and social blight follows.” -JMV

    Like growing urban ‘heat islands,’ liberal cities have become liberal states.

    I’m still looking at 40′ ketches. Patagonia anyone?

  16. Political PLANdemic.

    Note the word PLANNED.

    Who was ‘Pan’ anyways? In this whole Pandemic?

    “One story involving Pan is the tale of war, in which Pan helps his friend survive a vicious struggle by letting out an immense cry that frightened the enemy and caused him to run away. From this story, we get the word “panic,” the sudden, uncontrollable fear that leads people into irrational behavior.”
    source – https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/gods/pan/

    @BFH & @MJA – get to work! Memes abound…a horned goat like figure. (insert face of preference)

  17. This is what they do.

    Move out of big douchebag city. Move into new housing development in rural area. Still ass to elbow with their neighbors. Tear up pavement with hundreds of new vehicles on rural roads designed for leisurely driving. Clog up stores. Talk loud. (Honestly, why the hell do you people talk so fuggin’ loud?)

    Then after a few years they move again. Probably closer to a big city. All I know is after a few years of sour faces and no love from small business….they leave.

    Then we’re left with a shit ton of cheaply built housing that blights the land and attracts squatters.

    Unless the idea of “THERE’S NOTHING HERE” appeals, please, stay the hell away.

  18. That anonymous and his “our people” he’s so proud of… they are nothing but a blight upon the face of the earth. Nothing but worthless scumbags pushing their commie/fascist disease. Useful idiots. I wish them all long lives of pain and despair.

  19. PanicDemic. Not pandemic.

    I moved to North Idaho from the People’s Republic of Western Washington. It’s a lot better than where I used to live, but it isn’t the freedom loving place it used to be. An awful lot of California is moving to Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint.

  20. The way to “stop them” is to let nature run it’s course. After the enormous and totally bitchin’ Granite Mountain fire a few years back people got the fudge out. Then we had a super awesome blizzard and more people moved once they realized our town has no snow plow service.

    Suck on that, Priuses.

    After this pandemic I expect more to move as they realize our stores don’t get stocked as often as suburban stores do.

    I may move just because for some obscure reason they’re building a burger king in town.

    The hell is that about?

  21. And to think CA, during the Dust Bowl and the Grapes of Wrath, tried to keep those hard-working, God-fearing Oakie farmers OUT of “their” state!

    True Story about how Stupid Anonymous Lefties change the landscape and the quality of your lives:

    From the beginning (whenever that was — sometime in the late 1880’s), our Seattle neighborhoods’ traffic functioned like a well-oiled machine without stop signs at every freaking intersection. Thoughtful Seattleites knew to drive slowly through congested neighborhood streets and to give the right-of-way to the guy on the right at intersections. Otherwise, if there was no one else approaching the intersection, just drive (slowly) through it, without stopping. All this changed with Anonymous people arriving. They insisted on installing stop signs EVERYWHERE (and “No Parking” signs in places no one ever parked before). Why? Because the Anonymous Idiots were unable to adapt to a long-standing system that required an internal sense of self-government (aka self-control), fairness, watching out for one’s fellow citizens, selflessness, and an ethic of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” They got their Stop signs and now the same people drive blithely through them! They got their “No Parking” signs and they park right next to them. These Anonymous a$$holes think they are Anonymous, but we know who they are because their selfishness, sense of entitlement, and arrogance give them away every single time. If they’d just learn to adapt and adopt the ways of their new communities, they’d soon figure out why the new place was so attractive to them in the first place. But they don’t. Anonymous people just aren’t that smart.

    Old Seattle Native

  22. Beachmom
    That has been happening down in your neck of the woods for decades.
    It’s starting to heat up here in North Maine now, where the winters are more severe which has usually kept them away.
    Retirees or close to retiring couples move here because they “Just (loooong sigh) love it!”
    They’re happy as clams for the first year, then they find that the “city” doesn’t provide plowed driveways, water, sewer, swept roads, police protection, etc.
    Then they get involved in the local town council or town meeting, where they tell us how well everything worked down in ——— fill in the blank.
    There’s always someone in the crowd that asks them (appropriately) why the hell they don’t go back where they come from.
    By the third year, the real estate signs are on their lawn trying to sell a home they paid 50% more for than it was worth, because it was such a bargain compared to down in ——- and they are wondering how they ended up among so many backward assholes.

  23. You can take the LIP out of the city,
    but you can’t take the city out of the LIP.

    Go down to the lower 40.
    Find a rabid coon.
    Take it back to your house.
    Is it suddenly something other than a rabid coon?
    Try to pet and cuddle it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  24. I live in what was the reddest county of my state, one county over from the (very blue county) state capital. With the recent influx of locusts from NY & CA my former state congressman (who spent plenty on ads) lost to a practical nobody who didn’t advertise at all. All he needed was the D after his name to cue the newcomers.


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