2 More Come Forward to Corroborate Account of Biden Accuser – IOTW Report

2 More Come Forward to Corroborate Account of Biden Accuser

Two more sources have come forward to corroborate certain details about Reade’s claims. One of them — a former neighbor of Reade’s — has told Insider for the first time, on the record, that Reade disclosed details about the alleged assault to her in the mid-1990s.


6 Comments on 2 More Come Forward to Corroborate Account of Biden Accuser

  1. I hate to wonder this but is she coming forward because she fears Joe Biden becoming President or is she coming forward because others fear he has no chance of becoming President?🤔

  2. Doctor Jill doesn’t remember her husband, Dementia Joe Obiden Bama, ever mentioning this to her. Therefore, it must not have happened. Justice Brett Kavanaugh never told his wife about all those women he never assaulted either, but he’s a liar. See how that works?


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