Defiant New York City Shop Owner Who Decided To Open Up Tells Tucker What Happened When Police Came – IOTW Report

Defiant New York City Shop Owner Who Decided To Open Up Tells Tucker What Happened When Police Came

I like this guy’s moxie!

Daily Caller: A New York City tailor appeared on Monday night’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to explain why he decided to open his shop to customers in defiance of his city’s order to stay closed.

Eliot Rabin, the 78-year-old owner of men’s apparel store Peter Eliot Blue, made news Sunday with his decision, telling the New York Post, “I’m opening my doors come hell or high water.”

After a first weekday of business that included a visit by police, Rabin remained defiant during his conversation with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who introduced him as “a very brave man.”

SNIP: He reminds me of both The General and Bryan Cranston. LOL!
I hope more NY businesses follow his lead.

12 Comments on Defiant New York City Shop Owner Who Decided To Open Up Tells Tucker What Happened When Police Came

  1. The police are in kind of a bind, they really don’t want the majority of the people to start looking at them as being their enemies, but they still need to somehow answer to their higher authorities in a manner that won’t get those authorities to start looking at them as their enemies either.

    Not a good position to be forced into.

  2. This morning it dawned on me that we have become characters in the 2004 movie, “The Village”. A small 19th century-like village in the middle of the woods. The residence afraid to leave the village boundaries and venture into the woods because of the horrible monsters in the woods. Referred to as “Those we don’t speak of”. [the exception being that covid-19 is the monster they won’t stop speaking of].

    Spoiler alert for anyone who has not seen the movie. The monster is a creation of the village leaders to keep the people to afraid to leave the village. . .

  3. If a majority of the cops refuse to do what leftist mayors and governors want, and said so publicly, they couldn’t all be fired and the public would 100% have their back. The politicians would have terror instilled in their hearts ahead of the next elections. As long as they know cops are doing what’s right, people will always back the police.

    Question is, who’s side are the police unions on (or paid to be on).

  4. This is going to play out in the courts, of course that is always a gamble with some of the judges but these leaders hell bent on keeping the lockdown know at the end of the day they have no legal right to keep healthy people locked up in what now amounts to house arrest. And many of the police departments are going to decide they can’t enforce what is not legal. Once enough people realize that they’ll lose control on these lockdowns. What is next sanctuary cities where you can transact business?


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