Joe Biden: We Need More ‘Economic Intercourse Around The World’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden: We Need More ‘Economic Intercourse Around The World’

DW: Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made head-scratching remarks during a CBS Miami interview on Monday night, suggesting that the United States needed more “economic intercourse around the world.”

29 Comments on Joe Biden: We Need More ‘Economic Intercourse Around The World’

  1. Joe Explains: Hey man, it works like this…a few weeks ago I was in downtown Tijuana…about 1am I saw a broad in a tight dress leaning against a street lamp. She comes up to my car…so I roll down the window…she says “Baby, wanna party?”…so I says “Baby, how much does it cost to have a party?”. She says 5 dollars for a suck, 15 dollars for the big job. I says: “Baby no, I got only 12 bucks”. She says: “OK, we party, big job, but no kissing”. OK, so that’s how you work out those problems in international intercourse. Never accept the first offer. It’s all about negotiation. Ya get it?

    And she gave me a really good BJ, at it cost me only 12 bucks.

  2. I’m thoroughly confused now. Is Dementia Joe speaking gibberish or jibberish? Perhaps it’s Joebirrish? Whatever he’s saying is just a distraction from the fingercourse he can’t remember committing. Whatever it is, it’s wonderful watching the Dementiacrat Party and the MSDM running from the assault that never happened. This will be on Sixty Minutes any minute now.

  3. …”Around The World” as Joe says, ALSO has a specific meaning in sex, but unless you’re a Democrat bear in mind it’s a VERY NSFW search and will probably get you fired…

  4. Bend over and squeal like a pig! I have a story to tell later about my last week and some major surgery on my left foot to remove all the toes on my left foot because of a serius nfection. I am home recovering and doing well, and everything will be OK. When I can get to my regular computer and not have to type on a tablet, I’ll let you know more. The last week was a blessing in disguise because they caught the infection soon enough not to have to amputate my left leg. My daughter and the visiting nurses are taking very good care of me and supposedly in 6 weeks or so I can go back to work. For me the lockdown here in Wash. state may have been the best time for this to happen. I will be OK and I am actually am at peace going thru this.

  5. Geoff the aardvark APRIL 28, 2020 AT 1:26 PM
    “The last week was a blessing in disguise because they caught the infection soon enough not to have to amputate my left leg.”

    …indeed, God HAS blessed you with this, doubly so that you can recognize it as His blessing. Sickness and death came into this world with sin and it will ALWAYS be with us until the Lord comes back, but He has allowed you more time with your family, and THAT is a precious thing indeed, toes or NO toes, as your LEG isn’t the ONLY thing you can lose with sepsis…

    …May the Lord guide your recovery, speed your healing, numb your wounds, and restore you to your full physical capability as the head of your family for as long as He is pleased to do so. And may the Lord continue to guard and guide your steps to His side, yours and all those that you hold dear, until it becomes your time to at last lay your trophies down and be with Him, that your family may have the blessed assurance that you are with Him and that you WILL be reunited at his feet one day in the far future. May He keep you free from infection and guide you and your family and your physican to the best possible outcome, and may you continue to bless us here with your wisdom for many years to come, even as he heals this land and deals with the scourge of satan’s minions, that you may yet live to see a land that you do not fear for your children to inherit and a land that is worthy of your efforts, past and present, to defend it.

    And we ask it all in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

  6. If economics are intercourse, Obamacare forcing people to pay hundreds a month in premiums for $6,000 deductibles was non-consensual.

    It’s economist might as well have been Bill Cosby. Just close your eyes and try to enjoy it.


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