Gregg Jarrett: New evidence on Michael Flynn — drop all charges and let him sue his persecutors – IOTW Report

Gregg Jarrett: New evidence on Michael Flynn — drop all charges and let him sue his persecutors


Michael Flynn is the victim of one of the worst miscarriages of justice in modern times — an innocent man who was unfairly targeted by the FBI, wrongfully prosecuted by special counsel Robert Mueller, and coerced into a guilty plea under threat.

New court documents finally handed over to Flynn’s lawyer contain exculpatory evidence that has been long sought, yet concealed until now. The charge against him should be dismissed. Then, he should sue the very people and government that persecuted him under the pretext of a legitimate prosecution.

The unvarnished truth is that the retired Army lieutenant general and former National Security Adviser never did anything wrong and committed no crimes. He was set up by unscrupulous FBI officials, then relentlessly pursued by Mueller’s team of overzealous prosecutors who were desperate to show that President Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election.

Of course, no such conspiracy with Moscow ever existed. It was a fantasy built on the sand of Russian disinformation and lies.The FBI knew it but didn’t care. As I wrote in a column as far back as 2018, the FBI lied to Flynn to ensnare him in the crime of making a false statement, even though Flynn did not lie at all about his perfectly legal and appropriate conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
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7 Comments on Gregg Jarrett: New evidence on Michael Flynn — drop all charges and let him sue his persecutors

  1. Sue?! He should be allowed to recoup all his assets plus interest, then give three fast rabbit punches to the left testicle/ovary of every single person involved in railroading him. Just for starters. For all the top level scoundrels involved, hangings too good for them. Burning is too good for them. Feed them feet first through a wood chipper or bury them alive.

  2. Sorry, doubter here, I don’t think our government is going to do squat. We are now no better than Russia or China. Come on Barr, lets see if you got what it takes??? Or are you going to let us make it all the way to the sewer treatment plant.

  3. I have little faith in the judge who has known for a long time that this was a bs charge by dirty prosecutors and kept the kangroo he was sitting on jumping right along.


    Why would this guy make ANY statements to the FBI? Didn’t he watch Breaking Bad? You have your LAWYER answer questions.

    “Gen Flynn, what is the weather today.”
    “It’s sunny, NO–partly cloudy!”
    “You lied to the FBI!”

    Even if you have nothing to hide, have your lawyer say you have nothing to hide. I can’t believe a 3 star general wouldn’t know that by now.


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