Joe Biden goes after Milton Friedman – IOTW Report

Joe Biden goes after Milton Friedman

Reason: Joe Biden has chosen an opponent for the 2020 general election—and it’s not Donald Trump, but instead, of all people, an economics professor who died in 2006.

“Milton Friedman isn’t running the show anymore,” Biden declared in a half-hour exclusive interview with Michael Grunwald of Politico, published over the weekend.

For a guy not “running the show,” Milton Friedman sure appears to be occupying substantial space in Biden’s mind and presidential campaign. For the Democratic presidential candidate, this is a recurring theme. During a September 7, 2019, fundraiser in Wayland, Massachusetts, according to a pool report from Sarah Mucha of CNN, Biden asked rhetorically, “When did Milton Friedman die and become king?”

It’s amusing on a variety of levels. Biden doesn’t yet seem cured of his habit of peppering his speech with references to individuals—Mike Mansfield, Jesse Helms, Milton Friedman—who, like Biden himself, seem like they belong to some bygone era. If Milton Friedman is just a general-purpose stand-in for a free-market-oriented economist, political thinker, or philosopher, it’s strange that Biden has chosen to single out and take on Friedman rather than, say, Adam Smith, or Friedrich Hayek, or Robert Nozick, or Ayn Rand. read more

24 Comments on Joe Biden goes after Milton Friedman

  1. IMHO the Greatest American economist EVER! Leader of the Chicago Boys when I was in high school. (I was a conservative “D”; why I loved another such RONNY!) One of his famous students was an exJarhead (not as famous as GWB’s Mueller; but more so than I) Thomas Sowell – now an Emeritus Prof at “The Farm”.

    Won the Nobel for work related to “There is No Free Lunch”. when I was getting my BA in Econ(before most here were born) he was know for his opposition to the Fed Res!

    Disclosure: I am, and have been since 1948 (read Ronny’s HUAC interrogation), conservative.

    No question why the rich kid does not like him; the rich kid is dumb. But not su dumb that he does not know how to eep knuckle dragon deplorable from advancing.
    Ronny listened to Drs. Friedmann and Sowell but no President has since. Duck Duck says Dr. Friedann died 14 years ago. Maybe its his ghost Joe is after!

  2. A favorite reply from the late great Californian Andrew Breitbart was “So?”..

    In this case, it means “What’s your plan, Joe?”

    Joe: Crickets.

    The man is a vacuous, corrupt fool.

  3. Anyone who truly believes that Biden leads Trump in any legitimate poll is a fool.

    Remember George Stephanopoulos stating to a Trump son just before the 2016 election that Hillary was leading by “double digits”?

    I love it when the left does this to themselves. Soon it will be Biden at 50%, Trump at 30%. LOL.

  4. There are people in this country that are so stupid they wouldn’t know who Joe Biden was if he wasn’t the front stumbler for the DNC.
    I base this on the fact that some people don’t know who the vice president is today. They are disconnected from most any political situation. So take your poll and pound sand.

  5. Anonymous APRIL 29, 2020 AT 2:43 PM
    Poll; Joe Biden 44% Trump 38%

    I’m ROTFL on those polls having Biden so far ahead. Just like Hillary was SOOOO for ahead.
    She was so far ahead that she went on tv and complained, “Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?”

  6. I was in line to get into Costco yesterday and a discussion commenced behind me and half the people Involved in the discussion didn’t know Biden was the presumptive Democrat nominee. The ones who did know were pissed off about it but didn’t have a consensus opinion on who would be any better. The outcome of the discussion was… we’re screwed. I Shit you not.


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