California Gov. Newsom(D) ordered to justify plan to give millions to illegal aliens – IOTW Report

California Gov. Newsom(D) ordered to justify plan to give millions to illegal aliens

The governor of California is under pressure from the state’s Supreme Court to justify his plan to give tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to illegal aliens. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

11 Comments on California Gov. Newsom(D) ordered to justify plan to give millions to illegal aliens

  1. The left is claiming that anyone who wants the economy opened is a racist because it hits blacks harder than whites.

    So is the white immune system superior or is the black immune system inferior. Thats the question of the day.

  2. How about justifying his plan for shutting down the economy? How about his plan for reclosing the beaches? No evidence that ‘THE VIRUS’ is doing any significant damage in Cali but yet we need to shut everything down and don our protective masks when we do venture out for food.

    On March 19th this flaming douchebag said that there would be 25.5 million cases of ‘THE VIRUS’ in California over the next 8 weeks. We are now 6 weeks into his prediction and there have been 48,828 cases. If we continue at that rate for the next 2 weeks he will only have been off by 25,434,896 cases. Yet we continue to listen to this FUCKING ASSHOLE! If you can tell that I’m more than a little bit pissed off you’re right.

  3. Governor Newsom is going to make a great replacement for Dementia Joe Obiden Bama after the Dementiacrat Party dumps him at the Full Catastrophe Convention. He’s got everything his political party appreciates and admires. He loves illegal immigrants and hates people who want to protect America from becoming more like California.

  4. ode to the exalted classes:
    .a useless a**hole name of newsom
    .went to the wrong place for to screw-some
    .some f*** tried to drill him,
    .then wanted to bill him,
    .while dreaming of andrew d. gill-um

  5. Newsome isn’t stupid, he has his orders from aunt Nancy to continue the bankrupting of America by any means possible. As the dems have no viable candidate nor any way to take another shot at DJT they intend to trash the economy and blame it all on Trump with the tacit or unknowing support of numerous republican’s and the Fed bank. If properly scheduled this plan should come to a head just before election. This is a not too shabby plan to oust Trump in the Nov elections. The Dems would destroy the economy to regain control, arguably the most despicable action ever taken by any party in the history of the United states.


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