Obama Goes Golfing at Country Club the Day After Michelle Urged African Americans to Stay Home – IOTW Report

Obama Goes Golfing at Country Club the Day After Michelle Urged African Americans to Stay Home

PJM: On Friday, two PSAs featuring former first lady Michelle Obama urging African Americans to stay home in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus were released. Prominent African American radio hosts who have nationally syndicated shows shared the PSAs.

“Hi everybody, it’s Michelle Obama. Our communities are among the hardest hit by the coronavirus, and we’ve got to do everything we can to keep each other safe,” says the former first lady in the 30-second PSA. “And that means staying home because even if we are not showing any symptoms, we can still spread the virus to others. Let’s keep each other safe by just staying home. Thank you so much and God bless.”

Apparently, her husband didn’t get the memo. The day after the PSAs were released, Barack Obama was seen playing golf at Robert Trent Golf Club in Gainesville, Virginia. Politico Playbook reported on Sunday: MORE

13 Comments on Obama Goes Golfing at Country Club the Day After Michelle Urged African Americans to Stay Home

  1. Why didn’t Big Mike put his foot down?

    No, she won’t run for preezy. It’s too much work and she’s lazy. She just wants to hang out with hollywood types, grift and get paid for public speaking. She can’t do that while in office.
    In any office.


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