‘Collective punishment’: California Gov. Newsom ignites volcanic backlash for ordering all beaches closed – IOTW Report

‘Collective punishment’: California Gov. Newsom ignites volcanic backlash for ordering all beaches closed

BPR: Governor Gavin Newsom ignited volcanic backlash for ordering all California beaches and state parks closed after thousands of people flocked to them last weekend during a heat wave.

Newsom tweeted that California must remain in lockdown in order to combat the coronavirus. California is currently in the midst of an indefinite lockdown because Gov. Newsom has not provided an end date to the house arrests.

Newsom tweeted: “CA is flattening the curve because folks are staying home. Practicing physical distancing. We aren’t out of the woods yet. We must continue to take this seriously and allow our re-opening to be guided by science and public health.”

As it is, many medical experts say there’s no scientific basis for these draconian, one-size-fits-all lockdowns. MORE

24 Comments on ‘Collective punishment’: California Gov. Newsom ignites volcanic backlash for ordering all beaches closed

  1. People can gripe and bitch about it all they want, to make themselves feel better about their lot in life maybe, but they can’t do anything about it.

    Better to just shut up and suffer in silence than to show off just how impotent you are over it. It just makes your oppressive rules feel better when you do.

  2. This is another in many reasons why NO STATE BAILOUTS. Should not happen when these govs put their entire population under house arrest and clearly have no imminent plans to reopen and also find money in their budget to pass out handouts to illegals.

  3. Ever wonder why the streets of San Francisco resemble those of shithole Tijuana? The corruption is endemic. It’s about power over the people’s freedom. The bigger the gov’t, the smaller the citizen. Keep them stupid, drugged, and impotent.

    It’s about being on the kickback take, ripping off the taxpayers while giving nothing in return.

    The San Francisco toilet is a shining example of the result, while people like Newsom, as ex-mayor of SF, head off with big smiles to the next level of destruction.

    This asshole will be a serious contender for 2024, and there’s more than enough stupid out there to make it happen.

    Always remember the trail of shit that lies in the wakes of the likes of Newsom, Pelosi, and an endless host of other corrupt, fraudulent politicians who are the lowest form of life that we face today.

    That’s the REAL pandemic. Leftist corrupt tyranny.

  4. I could be mistaken, but it is my understanding that any land that covers by a high tide is Federal property, not state. Getting access to that tidal area can be a problem, but the actual ‘waterfront’ ain’t his to fuck with.

  5. They say look at the science where I live, the contamination number is:
    They want us to wear N95 masks for 2 years? Pull your heads out of your rectums you public parasites!

  6. @Kcir–

    It’s at least moderately possible that they don’t WANT the public to get better. The more people that die, the fewer people they need to control.

  7. As I have said elsewhere, about the only chance that beaches aren’t jammed this weekend is because the weather is expected to be fairly cool and overcast. But if people don’t flood the beaches this weekend they definitely will next weekend.

  8. In rhode Island I’m getting yelled at by customers for not following grocery store arrows right of way down the isle..conditioning 🤔 expect bread lines soon..b safe all..freedom doesnt come free!

  9. ode to the exalted classes:
    .a useless a**hole name of newsom
    .went to the wrong place for to screw-some
    .the f*** tried to drill him,
    .then wanted to bill him,
    .they thought he was andrew d. gill-um?

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