Questions Reporters Might Ask Liberals If They Didn’t Suck – IOTW Report

Questions Reporters Might Ask Liberals If They Didn’t Suck

Townhall- Wait, this title is misleading in that it could be read that either “reporters” or “liberals” suck, and the fact is that both suck. But reporters don’t have to suck. Liberals always do, because their trash ideology is terrible and yet they adhere to it. Reporters could be no-holds-barred truthtellers who could not care less, whose agenda they skewer or narrative they shatter in pursuit of the truth. That’s at least theoretically possible, even though most of them merely aspire to be skeevy prog transcriptionists typing out ham-handed propaganda to please their pinko masters.

But if our reporters were not human cesspools, what would they be doing right now? How would they be dealing with the tidal wave of Twitter blue check lies and Fredocon dung we’re seeing in the wake of the Bat Biter Bronchitis?

Well, they would not be like whoever Olivia Nuzzi is. She is a twenty-something former Anthony Wiener staffer, and while she was a bit older than his target demo what she lacked in youth was probably made up for in mindless progressivism. She’s the one who asked President Trump that stupid coronavirus/’Nam question, demonstrating that she knows about as much about the Vietnam War as liberal military hero Senator Dick “In the Schiff” Blumenthal. Just wait ‘til she finds out that America’s intervention in Vietnam was initiated by liberal Dems. read more

h/t Jacqueline

3 Comments on Questions Reporters Might Ask Liberals If They Didn’t Suck

  1. Could ask them all how they become multi millionaires living in DC on less than $200,000.00 a year while also owning residences elsewhere. I’m somewhat familiar with the housing prices and the rents in the area there and I doubt I would make out like that. Can you say pay to play and insider trading/selling?

  2. I find it hilarious that the entire Democrat Media Mafia press corps continues to support their man Biden.
    Biden is maybe the weakest presidential candidate in history, with dementia, sexual assault accusations, and just stupidity.
    It should be easy for the lying media to gain a teeny tiny amount of credibility and turn on Biden – expose his flaws.
    But they are so stuck on their own stupidity they are covering for obviously flawed Biden.
    Leftists are just illogical and dumb all around.


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