Judicial Watch Sues California to Stop Governor Newsom’s Initiative to Provide $75 Million in Cash Benefits to Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Sues California to Stop Governor Newsom’s Initiative to Provide $75 Million in Cash Benefits to Illegal Aliens

Canada Free Press –

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced itfiled a lawsuit in the Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles on behalf of two California taxpayers, Robin Crest and Howard Myers, asking the court to stop the state from expending $75 million of taxpayer funds to provide direct cash assistance to unlawfully present aliens (Crest et al. v. Newsom et al. (No. 20STCV16321)). The lawsuit alleges California Governor Gavin Newsom overstepped his authority and violated federal law when, without affirmative state legislative approval, he took executive action to create the “Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Project” and provide cash benefits to illegal aliens who otherwise are ineligible for state or federal insurance or other benefits due to their unlawful presence in the United States.

On April 15, 2020, Governor Newsom announced his new executive initiative to provide direct assistance in the form of cash benefits to illegal aliens. The initiative, known as the “Disaster Relief Fund” or the “Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Project,” would spend $75 million to provide direct cash payments to illegal aliens and cost an estimated additional $4.8 million to administer. Governor Newsom’s executive initiative would provide one-time cash benefits of $500 per adult / $1,000 per household to 150,000 unlawfully present aliens in California. These benefits are not provided to U.S. citizens residing in the state.

Under federal immigration law, 8 U.S.C. § 1621(a), unlawfully present aliens generally are ineligible for State or local public benefits. Section 1621(d) requires a state legislature to enact a state law which affirmatively provides for such benefits for illegal aliens:

A State may provide that an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States is eligible for any State or local public benefit … only through the enactment of a State law … which affirmatively provides for such eligibility.


6 Comments on Judicial Watch Sues California to Stop Governor Newsom’s Initiative to Provide $75 Million in Cash Benefits to Illegal Aliens

  1. I don’t think there is another organization or government agency that gets more done for American citizens than Judicial Watch. Tom Fitton is, and will be deserving of the Presidential Medal of Freedom!

  2. California already sent $1B to a defunct car maker in China for above retail cost of $5 per face mask that has never been made by said car company that has no experience in making face masks. Whether it’s illegals in the state, communists abroad or criminals set free, CA’s main mission is to fleece its citizens. Lawsuits are welcome as it accelerates the process.

  3. 75b and an additional 4.8m to administer? Are these the same “people without papers” living in the shadows?

    Surely they don’t have home addresses for check delivery or bank accts for direct deposit.

    For a mere $25k I’ll set up a “distribution center”, when they show up to collect I’ll gladly hand them over to ICE.

  4. The chances of getting Covid in San Diego County are 0.0009…
    And citizens have to wear masks for 2 years,
    Some stinking politician got a boatload of money for forcing this crap on citizens,
    And have every citizen wear a mask, what bullshit!!!
    This is a political gas lighting, there is no medical reason for this at all,
    Citizens should revolt against tyranny in California.
    What has happened to the land of the free.
    Piss on the PoSes Grouchy and Quirks!


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