The FBI Should Arrest Itself – IOTW Report

The FBI Should Arrest Itself

This Is Bad – FBI Notes Confirm The Worst Accusations.

Inside Scoop Politics: For years, we heard that General Michael Flynn was a traitor. He is not. He is anything but a traitor, according to newly unsealed documents from the FBI. According to those same documents we may be able to have that conversation about some of the top folks in the FBI and Obama DOJ.

Remember that General Flynn was, briefly, President Trump’s National Security Advisor, and a well-qualified one at that. Gen. Michael Flynn is a 3-star General with over 30 years of service to his country in the U.S. Army, Special Ops, and led the Defense Intelligence Agency. He was forced out in 2014. He was also forced to resign over these allegations we’ll discuss.

General Flynn was accused of lying about his contact with a Russian ambassador. He ultimately pleaded Guilty to lying to the FBI. However, the agents who interviewed him did not think he was lying during the interview. Since then General Flynn has acquired new counsel and motioned to withdraw his plea, citing corruption at the FBI, DOJ, and within the plea deal.

Flynn was represented by Covington and Burling Law Firm. The motion to withdraw the guilty plea also cites ineffective counsel. The Law Firm has since turned over thousands of documents, as requested by court, that seem to include exculpatory evidence.

Guess who’s a partner in this law firm?

Former Obama AG Eric Holder. more

16 Comments on The FBI Should Arrest Itself

  1. Trump should turn the FBI into a forensic laboratory service for state and local law enforcement use as well as Federal Agencies. They have proven they lack the character or integrity to investigate a girl scout troop.

  2. People keep telling us “not to blame the rank and file agents”. This Agency rotted from “Boss BO” down and we have no idea how deep the disease has chewed into the orginization. Until they all PROVE they are not criminals I
    think we have to consider all of them as such for our own protection. This is what happens to any group that claims falsely to be involved in dealing “justice” and breaks faith.

  3. Bad intro: For years, we heard that General Michael Flynn was a traitor. He is not…

    General Flynn is a patriot and a hero. And that’s how every damn story should open. Worst thing you can say about him is that he was a Democrat. He was let go by Trump, by the way, because he would not contradict Pence. Pence blathered. Flynn did not lie to Pence. Just days into a new administration, Trump had no choice but to go with Pence.

  4. Clapper vs Flynn – congressional testimony, this is only the short version, check out the longer one when you get a chance:

    Since this all broke I have been assembling a nice small collection of vids (and articles) from since around 2014, as that is when this started to unfold like the author says.

    This is a hot off the press Thread about Covington and Holder:

    When I found out about the Holder connection doing that research, I could not for the life of me wonder WHY Flynn would go to THAT firm to begin with?? Now I think I have an idea. He is not the King of Spooks for nothing. Could he have entrapped the trappers??? Like a reverse setup????

    We think we know the half of it?? My goodness.

    This will be the ‘New shot heard round the world…’ and I can only hope.

  5. I want Barry, Clapper, Brennan, Kerry, Valjar, and most especially Clinton getting predawn raids with full TV Coverage, and sweet, sweet jailtime following very public trials.
    Watch how many walkers and wheelchairs appear on the defendants

  6. Flynn knows who the rats are, but the rats know who they are as well. Appointing Flynn, and it would have to be a recess appointment. Senate hearing? No way.

    Rats would jump ship so quickly and in such numbers you could surf the big wave on the Potomac.


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