NoKo state media say Kim Jong Un alive and touring a fertilizer plant – IOTW Report

NoKo state media say Kim Jong Un alive and touring a fertilizer plant

….OK then.

SEOUL (Reuters) – After weeks of intense speculation about the health of Kim Jong Un, state news agency KCNA said on Saturday the North Korean leader attended the completion of a fertilisers plant north of Pyongyang, the first report of his appearance since April 11.

Reuters could not independently verify the KCNA report.

KCNA said Kim cut a ribbon at the ceremony on Friday and those attending the event “burst into thunderous cheers of ‘hurrah!’ for the Supreme Leader…”

Kim was seen in photographs smiling and talking to aides at the ribbon-cutting ceremony and also touring the plant. The authenticity of the photos, published on the website of the official Rodong Sinmun newspaper, could not be verified. read more

19 Comments on NoKo state media say Kim Jong Un alive and touring a fertilizer plant

  1. ““Kim might have some physical conditions that prevent him from standing too long and he needs to be seated after standing up for awhile.””

    Yeah, like being the fattest man in North Korea.

    Or maybe the only fat man in North Korea?

  2. @JDHasty
    “…Our spooks already know what the score is on this event…”

    At Trump’s daily press conference yesterday, he was asked what the status KJU was. He said that he had intel information about it, but could not talk about it. Next question.

  3. Ever notice how smoking isn’t among the activities associated with high rates of infection? Seems a French doctor investigated this and found nicotine does a fine job neutralizing the virus. Nicotine patches are being prescribed as a prevention.


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