Boston University says students taking online exams may have cheated – IOTW Report

Boston University says students taking online exams may have cheated


  • Boston University is investigating after students allegedly cheated on assessments that were moved online because of the coronavirus.
  • The university is working with Chegg, the online tutoring website, to identify the students who may have used the service during exams

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19 Comments on Boston University says students taking online exams may have cheated

  1. This is the easily foreseeable result of the dumb idea that everybody should go to college. We need to go back to the days when only people smart enough not to get caught when they cheated could get into colleges and universities.

  2. The Georgia Tech campus is buzzing about the allegation that students in a physics class posted questions from their final exam to the online tutoring service Chegg where tutors provided answers.

    “We are aware of the situation and are, of course, disappointed that students were involved with cheating through a digital homework site,” said Renee Kopkowski , Tech’s vice president of institute communications Thursday evening. “We are addressing it in conjunction with the Office of Student Integrity. At this point, we have offered students a chance to come forward admitting their misconduct on this exam, and we are working to determine if others are involved.” In a letter from Tech, physics students were told: “It has come to our attention that a small fraction of students cheated by using solutions posted on Chegg. We take the honor code seriously here at Georgia Tech where we aim to develop not only the next generation of scholars and engineers, but future leaders of good character. We are incredibly disappointed; and at the same time we are trying not to become too cynical. “The letter — see it below — says the College of Science and Georgia Tech Legal is working with Chegg to figure out which Tech students accessed the tutoring site during the final exam — for which there was a 24-hour completion window — and cross-correlating it with the time students were on the testing platform, Gradescope. If the times overlap, students could end up with an F. In its honor code, Chegg states, “We will cooperate with any official investigation by an academic instruction.” I reached out to the company about the Tech case.

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    “Chegg strongly supports academic integrity and partners with every institution that approaches us as part of their official investigations into these matters. Unfortunately, we cannot comment on any specific investigation,” said spokesman Marc Boxser when asked about the Tech allegations Thursday.

  3. Online classes are a scam, and online testing is a bigger scam. No way to stop “open book” without a contrilled testing environment. Just another phony way to “close the gap” in test scores. Is there anything that the Chinavirus can’t make worse!

  4. On line degrees have been getting more popular for a while now. It seems to be working just fine for a lot of colleges. Big benefit, No Libtard indoctrination. I think it’s a great idea.

  5. Boston University…why that’s AOC’s alma mater isn’t it?

    Given her staggering incompetence in her major field (economics), maybe cheating is the least of their problems?

  6. Thanks to University of Malarkey’s online program, I’m now the proud holder of seventeen degrees. I’m going to finally be able to get one of those high-paying job of the future….

  7. Wait a minute… in the real world they will be using every resource available to them. Unless they signed an honor based agreement, I not see much issue.

  8. Chance,
    I was about to say (write) that, as Sandy O’Cortez’s alma mater, doesn’t appear to be any need to cheat.
    Any monkey beating on a typewriter (keyboard) should be able to get a passing grade.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Online classes aren’t a scam if utilized correctly. In Alaska we’ve had successful distance learning for years; it’s a large area and enough people can’t do the commute, so to speak.

    Re: online testing, all the OT I’ve had were open book, largely because the type of information learned matched the ideal that if you didn’t know the answer, you knew where to find it. This matches real life scenarios: administrative codes or statutes, for example.

    Other times we had to write essay answers, which are harder to fake, even when you look in the book.

  10. What would our electorate look like in four years if our young people never attended these Libtard chess pools.Mot to mention we would put a bunch of communist out of work.

  11. TRF

    Do you consider on line college classes home schooling?
    We’d be better off with day drinkers instead of the communist that are currently turning our children into flaming socialists.


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