U. Texas under investigation for possible ties to Wuhan biolab – IOTW Report

U. Texas under investigation for possible ties to Wuhan biolab

Campus Reform:

The Department of Education sent a letter to the University of Texas requesting all records pertaining to its dealings with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The Department of Education’s Office of the General Counsel sent a letter to University of Texas Chancellor James Milliken on April 24 requesting records related to the University’s dealings with Chinese state-owned companies and universities. 

The letter states that the University of Texas had “substantial contractual relations” with a Wuhan based maximum biocontainment laboratory (Wuhan MCL) also called the Wuhan Institute of Virology. MCLs “operate at the highest level of biological containment to diagnose, perform research on, and validate cures for life-threatening diseases.”  more

8 Comments on U. Texas under investigation for possible ties to Wuhan biolab

  1. I’d like to know when somebody is going to axe Fauci the hard questions like:
    Do you have any ties to U. Texas?
    How did you know over three years ago that the Trump administration will face a surprise disease outbreak?
    Why did you approve, encourage and enable funding of Wuhan Institute of Virology when you KNEW what the fcuk they were doing over there??
    Given that you funded them and in fact predicted this and that you are the high Muckety Schmuck on everything Corona Virus, please explain how this just happened to occur so conveniently during an election year when the Chicoms and democRATs are desperate to damage President Trump and America any way possible?

  2. The universities are full of unwatched CHYNA Spies.

    Cut the Chyna enrollment by 80% and Educate home grown students instead!


    Similar shit happened at Harvard and a canadian level 4 bio lab.

  3. Alex Jones was talking about China owning most of UT two Years ago.

    One of My Clients always has Infowars on the TV…Alex may be a

    bit of a Nut…But a lot of the stuff He mentions seems to come true.

  4. It’s amazing how good of shape this country is in considering the amount of factions trying to kill it. One of these days we the people need to get off our asses and deal with our enemies

  5. The Dept. of Education sent a letter from their general counsel?!

    According to the CDC and NIH, our country is under threat of extreme risk to life and limb from a virus that, by all serious accounts, originated in a lab — whether man-made or not — that has a high probability of being connected to research at UT. Our country and the most countries in the world are facing disastrous economic consequences in the trillions of dollars as a result of extreme measures taken to ward off spreading it, and the Dept. of Education sends a letter!?

    Compare and contrast:

    Sara Carter writes about the predawn raid of Roger Stone’s residence:

    “It appeared from the [CNN] video that half-dozen police vehicles, at least a dozen officers and FBI agents with large weapons in tactical vests stormed Stone’s home. Stone, who was in his pajamas, came to his doorway.”

    The FBI did the same to Paul Manafort and his wife.

    These were “by the book” raids, carried out in this manner to prevent the destruction of evidence.

    I would think that any possible links between the UT and China’s Wuhan research lab would be at least as important.

  6. About 2+ months ago I read an article in which a top US virologist was quoted stating that the Whuflu virus had clear tracks on its structure showing human manipulation and that a college in the American South (can’t remember name) was directly involved and sold the virus they had to the Chicom lab.
    I thought that was a bit much to swallow at the time.
    Now…. not so much…at all.
    I think its time for Americans to boycott Chinese goods
    of any kind whenever possible. And demand ALL information
    on this bioweapon to be public knowledge.
    I want ALL people involved in JAIL for very long sentences and murderers who did this executed on the Mall in DC.
    “To DISCOURAGE the others.”


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