Judge Jeanine: The FBI needs a complete overhaul – IOTW Report

Judge Jeanine: The FBI needs a complete overhaul

Handwritten notes make clear the extent to which a group of FBI thugs endeavored to destroy Michael Flynn.

13 Comments on Judge Jeanine: The FBI needs a complete overhaul

  1. Like every other federal agency it needs more than that. All employees terminated and all laws and authorities that created the agency rescinded. They need to be rebuilt from scratch and we need only about 1/4 of them. The bloat and corruption and waste is off the charts.

  2. Topamus to Botamus. Either that shut them down completely
    and rethink how to chase organized crime across state lines
    using people who aren’t criminals and who can’t be politicaly poisoned by future BO’s without being immediately caught and jailed until trial before a military tribunal.

  3. The FBI needs a complete overhaul

    To conform to The Rules. As written by those that conformed to The Rules. So they can be Rulier.

    Look at my tiaras! I’m a Prinxess! The titles I bought tell me you so!

  4. Let’s see…… “A” Federal government agencies that should be obliterated. I took it upon myself to omit the Air Force and Army

    AbilityOne Commission
    Access Board
    Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
    Administration for Community Living
    Administration for Native Americans
    Administrative Conference of the United States
    Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
    Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
    African Development Foundation
    Agency for Global Media
    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
    Agency for International Development (USAID)
    Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
    Agricultural Research Service
    Agriculture Department (USDA)
    Agriculture Library
    Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
    Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Bureau (ATF)
    Alhurra TV
    American Battle Monuments Commission
    Amtrak (AMTRAK)
    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
    Antitrust Division
    Appalachian Regional Commission
    Architect of the Capitol
    Archives, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
    Arctic Research Commission
    Armed Forces Retirement Home
    Arms Control and International Security
    Army Corps of Engineers
    Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institute of

    “B” later

  5. did you know… they added FEDERAL to Bureau of Investigations in 1923 approx.?

    The bureau was investigating a killing spree of Oklahoma indians. They caught him after he murdered 30-40. Explosions, gun shots, poison. And the indians were oil well owners and each was making millions.

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