Late Sen. Moynihan’s daughter, a lifelong liberal, blasts Democrats for China position – IOTW Report

Late Sen. Moynihan’s daughter, a lifelong liberal, blasts Democrats for China position

Just the News: Maura Moynihan — a lifelong liberal, an Asia expert and the daughter of the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan — is lambasting the Democratic Party for decades of financial co-dependency with Communist China that she says has caused the party to turn a selectively blind eye toward human rights. 

“The Democrat Party has to wake up. It has to realize its hands are covered in blood if it continues to defend and protect the evil Chinese Communist Party. They should align with Republicans,” said Moynihan, a longtime critic of Beijing and activist for Tibet. read more

14 Comments on Late Sen. Moynihan’s daughter, a lifelong liberal, blasts Democrats for China position

  1. She’s “very, very disappointed..” with the Democrat party for their part in creating a CCP hegemony? This seems like a spectacular understatement.

    Just read that Congressman Guy Reschenthaler is trying to get to the bottom of the Pentagon’s payments (“grants”) through NY-based EcoHealth Alliance to the Wuhan virology lab to the tune of $6.5M.

    Reschenthaler asserts that Pelosi is blocking any attempts to put together an investigative body to look into the Pentagon and NIH support of bio-weapons of mass destruction research being carried out in CCP at U.S. taxpayers’ expense.

    Tin Foil Hat Perspective: While reading through the article it occurred to me that perhaps the reason Fauci and Birx were so adamant about Covid19 packing the potential to kills millions in the U.S. is that they are intimately aware of the state of that research and just how deadly these Frankenstein viruses are. Wuhan just might be the 21st C. Los Alamos.

    Maybe Fauci knows how the thing was engineered and how it interacts with human DNA over time. Is this why he is pushing for lock down until a vaccine is created?

  2. …something tells me we haven’t begun to see all the players and details of what has been going on, vis U.S. involvement with CCP/Wuhan/other labs, in the development of bio-weapons. But we’re about to. What is percolating to the surface now about how the U.S. gov’t shut down similar domestic research, Chinese representation in U.S. schools/labs, contracts between those schools and the CCP and the like gives rise to some big red flags (with little gold stars on them). If the U.S., under past administrations, was capable of allowing the CCP to own outright vast swaths of American industrial intelligence and to place us in a position of major trade debtor to them, God only knows what else we have been sold to Babylon for.

  3. AA – The 3.7 Mil (the figure we’ve all been hearing) to the Wuhan lab has always struck me as unusually low (as in unbelievable)… somebody low-balled that one, for a reason! I think that we’re eventually going to find out that there was a shit-load more money involved that we’re not being told about! Pelosi knows a lot more than she letting on to just by virtue of being in CYA mode, as does Fauci. After all, he’s not just involved, he’s in the business! Stay tuned, there’s more coming, or as Paul Harvey would say: “Stand by for NEWS!”
    The real stuff, not this propaganda from the Complicit Bought & Paid For, Kee-Pad “News” Media

  4. TRF — $3.7M was the NIH’s contribution. Reschenthaler sent a request to Esper at the Pentagon regarding the Pentagon’s supposed payments ($6.5M) to CCP/Wuhan for the same purpose. Apparently, EcoHealth Alliance is the middle man for those payments (to CCP/Wuhan and to “other” offshore labs).

    Payments were supposedly made after the U.S. gov’t declared this research to be too risky to proceed here, domestically. It’s one thing for the NIH to be involved, but if the Pentagon is involved that can only mean that this is in the realm of weaponry.

  5. So far it seems like it takes 3 to 4 years to get to the bottom of anything with the embedded corruption in the government and the “News” Media. We really need the American people to take a stand and make a statement to the MSM by re-electing President Trump in November to start going after this information/propaganda machine hammer and tong in order to short circuit the outrageous Bullshit cycle!
    A lot of that will be accomplished along the way of prosecuting high-ranking criminals like Comey, Brenenan, Hillary and Obama along with their flying monkeys! I don’t know if that’s a stretch goal or a pipe-dream, but we have got to try!!

  6. “The U.S. bioweapons program was secret”… NOT!
    I have been aware that we have kept our hand in it just as well as all other weapons research. When I told my daughters at the outset that I thought this was a weaponized virus, they poo-pooed me. Then they asked if we did such research, to which I answered with an unequivocal “Absolutely!”. They were shocked, but what surprised me (and maybe it shouldn’t have) is that we outsourced it to the Chicoms! You asked a great question with: what else we have been sold to Babylon for!
    (and what other Genie’s have been let out of the bottle)

  7. First “Know Your Enemy”
    They’re right in front of you with a (D) at the end of their names!
    (or an ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR designation… after all, they are related!)

  8. There’s a lot of prominent Democrats from the ’60s and ’70s who, if they were alive today, would be utterly horrified at what democrat party has turned into over the past 30 years. They are nothing but communist filth now, licking China’s balls at every opportunity.

  9. Leftists have been pushing the narrative of body county =U.S. Vietnam War casualties. Uh, we were having to confront Peking activities then too. And ’95 Vietnam McCain, Kerry, and Clinton reestablishing relations. Cheapness baby! And how does that correlate to this virus? Trump didn’t serve?

  10. And who replaced Moynihan as US Sen(NY) and hastened that degradation of the Democrat Party??
    Satan’s coquette herself, the Butcher of Benghazi(via Arkansas)

  11. The proverb, “Be careful what you wish for, least it become true”, was created from many experiences where getting what you wished turned out to be very bad. The law of unintended consequences.


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