COVID-1984. We’re in this together! 🤨 – IOTW Report

COVID-1984. We’re in this together! 🤨

The government says we may be able to go outside for a picnic…in a month.

Meanwhile, 100,000 people are landing at UK airports from foreign countries every single week.

12 Comments on COVID-1984. We’re in this together! 🤨

  1. Remember when all of those people in Missouri were snitching on their neighbors for not obeying the government? All of those employees and family of employees complaining of businesses being open, some that were deemed essential?
    When I read them I couldn’t believe how stupid people were, please let me remain anonymous I don’t want to lose my job or I don’t want my spouse or child to lose their job, but I want you to punish their employer.

    Now they want us to feel sorry for them that their names were made public? Sorry little brown shirts I don’t feel sorry for you and I hope you lose your jobs, I hope you end up with no friends and are shunned by neighbors.

    You could care less about your friends, neighbors, employers or businesses and wanted to destroy them. If you are now destroyed all I can tell you is karma is a bitch and karma needs to come around more often.

    It would probably do Patricia some good to be taken out behind the woodshed, obviously something her mama failed to ever do.

  2. They are screaming new projections of increased numbers this week.
    The numbers aren’t increasing, they are decreasing – but the projections are for increased numbers. I guess that means we are getting close to a return, and the autocrats are panicking at their potential loss of power.

  3. Be thankful you’re not living in Oregon.


  4. Dan,

    Increases should not surprise anyone, the lockdown has prevented most people from the usual minor exposures that usually don’t do anything but generate antibodies and make people immune, so the spread naturally dies out.

    It starts everything fresh again with lots of susceptible people available all over the place, I’m surprised immunologists, doctors and such haven’t pointed that out to the public.

  5. I may have to watch Idiocracy while I am mainly confined to my chair reading and watching old movies and Westerns. I watched Steamboat Bill Jr. on Amazon Prime yesterday because I love Buster Keaton’s slapstick humor.End the lockdown now Governor Inslee before the Wash. state natives get restless end start coming after you with pitchforks and tar and feathers etc.

  6. They’re pushing hard for you to get tested now. Our state has vans driving around like ice cream trucks in rural communities offering us tests.

    I received an e-mail about saliva tests that could test households and know who should be quarantined. Yep, like I’m going to willingly give my DNA to the government or have all of my friends, family and neighbors traced.

  7. Here is the media piling fear on fear. A report today from the LA Times/MSNBC of a new covid19 strain:

    Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

    The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.

    In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned.

    The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use to share their work before it is peer reviewed, an effort to speed up collaborations with scientists working on COVID-19 vaccines or treatments. That research has been largely based on the genetic sequence of earlier strains and might not be effective against the new one.

    This is the same strain that erupted in early March, and is probably the one yours truly had. It is not new, it’s been around for two months. The media is fomenting fear. They want everybody cowering in their homes.

    This, and the fact that the media are reporting twice the number of deaths as the CDC leads to one conclusion: the bastards are trying to scare us into becoming subservient slaves.

    F**k ’em. I am 72 years old, I beat the covid19, I’m a free man, and I ain’t dead yet.

  8. Some dumb-ass writer for MSNBC wrote an article recently castigating Trump for calling the (commonly referenced) 1918 Spanish Flu the 1917 flu. She didn’t read the history of it before typing out her bullshit.

    The so-called 1918 Spanish Flu may have actually started as early as 1915 or 1916. It lasted well through 1919 and even into 1920, although it was petering out in that year.

    The fact that it busted out in early 1918 means, like the covid19, that it probably began in 1917.

    Calling it any of the following is valid: 1917, 1918, or 1919 flu.

    People could object to calling it the Spanish Flu, for that matter. It did not start in Spain. One theory is that it was brought to Europe by Chinese (Aha!) laborers during WWI. Other theories state that it started in an army hospital in France, or even in Kansas at Ft. Riley (I think).

    This is another example of the media lying in order to smear President Trump.


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