England: Heathrow Boss Says ‘Social Distancing’ Will Never Work at Airports – IOTW Report

England: Heathrow Boss Says ‘Social Distancing’ Will Never Work at Airports

Summit News: Queues to board flights would be a kilometer long.

Heathrow boss John Holland-Kaye warns that ‘social distancing’ measures would never work at airports because queues to board flights would be a kilometer long.

The British public has been repeatedly told that even after the lockdown ends, they will have to practice ‘social distancing’ – standing two meters away from the nearest person – for months or even years into the future.

This is practically impossible in many situations, most notably London’s transport system, which is notoriously crowded virtually all the time. more

6 Comments on England: Heathrow Boss Says ‘Social Distancing’ Will Never Work at Airports

  1. Doesn’t break my heart. Unless it’s an absolute life or death emergency that I get on a plane, I refuse to go through the asinine security BS.
    Once upon a time flying was an exciting pleasure. Now it’s crap.

  2. Like sheep being led to the slaughter. I can’t breathe until guvmint tells me how to. There’s a term for social distancing: hermit. I guess the Norks were way out in front on this. Nothing like being out walking and someone crosses the street to avoid you. Like you stink or are a plague on humanity. Twice.

  3. Guess what? This is something else that just will not affect (infect) us, we like road trips instead and going to our little cabin/bunker in the ADKS and other great historical sites and churches, year round!

    No offense to those airplane users. Especially if you need to travel in a plane for work. We have not been on a plane in some years and we dont Plandemic on it right now…where are we going to go Europe? HA.

    Stay here in the USA enjoy the sites and sights there is PLENTY to see. By doing this we revitalize our own economy.

    Rent an RV at CruiseAmerica, gas prices are down…



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