California Gov. Newsom announces second phase of reopening parts of California to start as early as Friday – IOTW Report

California Gov. Newsom announces second phase of reopening parts of California to start as early as Friday

Unless he changes his mind, again.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KABC) — Gov. Gavin Newsom said he will announce on Thursday plans for California to move closer to reopening parts of the state in a “very positive sign” prompted by data on the coronavirus outbreak.

The governor said during his daily press conference Monday that the next stage of reopening the state’s economy is expected to begin as early as Friday.

Some businesses included in Newsom’s “Stage 2” of reopening will allow for curbside pick-up at businesses such as book stores, clothing stores, sporting goods, toy stores and florists, given they follow additional safety protocols that will be released Thursday, Newsom said.

The state is also working to create guidelines that will allow restaurants and other hospitality businesses to open their doors again.

However, Newsom said the next phase does not currently include the reopening of offices, seated dining in restaurants or shopping at malls. more

20 Comments on California Gov. Newsom announces second phase of reopening parts of California to start as early as Friday

  1. “state is also working to create guidelines”
    This is why Governor Newsom is such a great leader. He is protecting the population using settled science. What would the people do without him?!

  2. How magnanimous of him. Rat bastard tyrant.

    Yesterday, while I was hiking, as I ducked under the gate blocking access to a State Park, a park ranger was driving by (great timing). He looked at me and slowed. He then kept driving. Maybe some of them think it’s stupid to lock people out of these wide open spaces and thought better of confronting me.

  3. Wow! Curbside pickup. You can order a book online and then go pick it up at the store? That gives me an idea. I’m going to start a company that allows you to order a book online AND I’ll deliver it right to your door! This could be a billion dollar idea.

    On another note, I called my Ca. state rep yesterday. Of course I spoke to a staffer who was very nice. I explained that I received a bill on Saturday for the annual renewal of my liquor license. The fee was raised from $747 per year to $1,010 per year. On top of that it stated that the bill was due by 6/30 and that there would be NO grace period. The fine for being 1 day late is $495. I said to her: ‘Let me get this straight. I’m expected to pay this exorbitant amount to NOT be able to operate my business. Not only shouldn’t I have to pay for my license until I’m able to actually sell stuff but I would think a rebate on last years fee should be in order, prorated for the months that I’ve been shut down’. She actually thought this was a valid point and said she would pass it along. Yeah, I know. Nothing is going to happen. Time to buy more lube.

  4. speaking of the wuflu, where did I run across the lifezette article claiming that the cdc had changed the number down to 37K? I see no proof of that at the cdc website… just wondering.

  5. @Mojo56 May 5, 2020 at 12:04 pm

    > Time to buy more lube.

    Of course, you already know there are more effective things to buy.

    But, then, what’s the point of having a license?

  6. Mojo56^^^^fines and fees will skyrocket to make up for lost taxes on wage earners. When the tax revenue for next year tanks they will come up with all kinds of new ways to steal your income.

  7. “state is also working to create guidelines”

    Holy shit Wally! Don’t they have enough “guidelines” on signs nailed to every building, bridge, beach, bus and taxi already???
    The only space left to put more “guidelines” is on people’s foreheads!

  8. Allowing curbside pick up is not reopening. How many small businesses have websites to facilitate that. This is the standard BS line when your governor wants to keep you home and stop an uprising – at the end of the week I’ll announce something that should have started 2 weeks ago. He is still weeks to months out from allowing dining, hair cuts, services people actually want and can’t get from online ordering/curbside pickup.

  9. This doesn’t quite qualify as having blinked.
    Noisome sorta squinted a bit, though.

    Squinted at the future growth of angry mobs. I wonder if he’s outlawing curbside pickup of pitchforks, torches, roofing tar.

  10. @Uncle Al, don’t forget to add bags of feathers to your curbside pick-up shopping list, though feathers would be too kind and gentle for Nuisance and his minions. Maybe roll them in poison oak leaves or stinging nettle then duct tape them

  11. @Conservative cowgirl:

    @Uncle Al, don’t forget to add bags of feathers to your curbside pick-up shopping list.

    No need to spend money on that! Any poultry producer would be glad to have you fill up some Hefty bags with hen house litter. There will some feathers mixed in but it will be mostly chicken crap. In my book that’s a plus! (-;

  12. Remember all the foxhole atheists who suddenly took on a revival tent zeal and Biblical scholarship with this in the ’16 election: 2 Chronicles 7:14 14if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

    How many have stopped, dropped and prayed this during the CV19 pandemic? Prayer. It does a body good.

    I understand how sarcasm, cynicism, skepticism, doubt and the appeal of despair can ward off feelings of having been duped (again), but faith and prayer and thanksgiving for God’s favor (especially when it has not yet been given), is the nucleus of Hope. Faith demonstrates our Hope in those things yet unseen, not yet produced.

    What am I trying to say? Ok. Yes. Please have a care for we who are continuing to stand by Christ in our Hope and in our faith that he will heal our land (in so many ways). Please don’t carry the defeating messages of the enemy into our camp. It’s just making it that much more difficult.

  13. mark my words, if the dems steal the election and Biden is elected, you will NEVER EVER hear another word about COVID 19….even if a million die next year, it will forever be forgotten!


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